25. Sacrifices

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Shawnie's POV

"You're miscarrying." The doctor says

"Miscarrying?" Aubrey says, "Well do something!" He says in a panic. "Save the fucking baby!" He yells

"There's not much we can do at this point. Your HCG levels are dropping dramatically. Based on where the levels were when you came in, measurements of the fetus, it looks like you were possibly about six weeks pregnant. We are going to keep you a little longer to do another pelvic exam but I'm sorry, that's all we can do. We can't save the fetus." The doctor says

I just sat there. Pregnant? I was drinking, smoking, about to fight bitches, fighting with Aubrey, just doing a bunch of shit I shouldn't have been doing. All of which are mostly out of character for me. If I knew I was pregnant, I wouldn't have done any of that. I wish I would've known, I would've taken better care of myself and I wouldn't have been acting so reckless. Especially the mistake I made by sleeping with Chris.

I looked over at Aubrey and he was on the verge of tears. Well, that's how he looked. I know he wanted another baby. And finding out I was pregnant, and miscarried probably just killed him. I bet he's thinking about all this shit he's done to me and all of the stress he's caused. Especially the other day. Honestly, that's probably what did it.

I reached for Aubrey's hand. "Okay, thank you." I say to the doctor and he leaves a few seconds after.

Aubrey takes my hand and just shakes his head. "I can't believe this. Again..."

"The first time wasn't a miscarriage.."

"I know but...I still lost another baby." He sits down next to me on the bed. "We're being punished."

"Baby, we're not being punished. Sometimes things just don't work out. Maybe it isn't the time to have a baby with everything going on. Remember, my past could be a factor too."

"But the shit I did, that's the cause of this. I know it. I did this." He says

I don't say anything because this could definitely be the reason this happened. I don't know what happened yesterday and all I can say is I hope it doesn't happen again.

Just then we hear a knock on the door. Thinking it's the doctor, Aubrey just yells for them to come in. In walks Chris, holding a bouquet of blue roses.

"YO! GETTHE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Aubrey yells, walking towards Chris

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"YO! GETTHE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Aubrey yells, walking towards Chris. "WHO THE FUCK LET YOU UP HERE?"

"Joe walked me in." Chris says, looking confused.

Aubrey looks back at me. "They all are fired. ALL OF THEM MOTHERFUCKERS!"

"Aubrey stop! Now isn't the time." I say

Two of his security guys walk in and Joe comes in behind them.

"You're right, now isn't the time. Get the fuck out of here!" He yells at Chris. "Do we need to get a restraining order against you for you to stay the fuck away from us? Every time I turn around you up in her face."

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