52. Hate Being Human

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Shawnie's POV

Later that night, after dinner that wasn't so much a dinner, the girls and I went out to a local lounge. It was very laid-back and there weren't a lot of people there. That was so good because I honestly didn't want to deal with anyone trying to take my picture or even just trying to hold a conversation with me. Plus I was out with Jasmine, Chris' current girlfriend, or whatever. That shit will be all over the place if they knew about it.

Jasmine was right. I said I was tired because I didn't want to hang out with them together. I did feel some kind of way about seeing it and yes I was a little jealous but it wasn't to the point where I was upset. I just don't feel I'm ready for that yet. Like I said, I like her. She seems very cool, but I need a little more time before I'm able to fully accept their relationship or whatever they're doing.

When I told Mercedes that we were going to all go out she was not for it at all. So little did I know, back in Tarzana, Jasmine had been talking a lot of shit and Mercedes heard her. Since she was over Chris' house with Trey all the time, Jasmine must've thought she was a random person, and not my cousin. She said she just let her talk and she was just going off about how she didn't like me. Honestly, I'm not really bothered by it because even though I really didn't talk too much shit about her. I simply just don't care. We were at a point where we didn't like each other because of the incident that happened between us but I'm over it. And I want my cousin to get over as well. She's not so forgiving.

So it was just the four of us, and we were all actually having a really good time just getting to know Jasmine, and her getting to know us as well. Honestly, it was like she wasn't even Chris's girlfriend, she was one of the girls. I hate to say it, but she really fit in with us. That doesn't mean I'm gonna make her my best friend and we're gonna go out often but things were pretty cool. I was digging it. What I wasn't really feeling is when the conversation turned towards me and they started talking about life after Drake.

"Now that you're officially on the road to divorce, who can we find for you?" Mercedes says

"Not officially. Find for me? I don't want anyb—."

I was cut off by my cousin speaking loudly. "Oh my gosh! I know!!"

"Who?" Dori asks

"Tyler Lepley. He's so your type." Mercedes says excitedly

"Yes, he's my type but I wanna take a break from that. Plus, he looks too much like my exes."

"That's true." Dori says

"You're going to laugh at me but what about Terayle?" Mercedes says

"Girl..." I push her away from me. "Stop!"

We both start laughing super hard.

"Who is that?" Dori asks

"This actor who looks like Chris. If I talked to either one of them, I'd be talked about so bad."

"It was only a joke." She laughs.

"Not that I'm looking, but I want something different." I say

"Different like what?"

"I don't know. I'm not looking or even starting to think about that." I say

"Different like...Joe different?" Dori smiles

I smile. "No."

"I see the way y'all be looking at each other. I keep saying that." Mercedes says

"No, you said the way he looks at her." Dori corrects her.

"Well now it's the way they look at each other. She's avoiding it, but he adores her and I believe he's fighting the urge to speak up. I think she's been thinking about it but won't admit it."

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