51. Fair Trade Pt. 2

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Shawnie's POV

I watch as Aubrey leaves the table then I turn to Jasmine.

"It's not what you think. I'm trying to piss him off and Chris is helping me."

"What?" She says

"Yeah. Everything that was said is true but like I told you earlier, we're getting a divorce. I don't wanna work things out with him even though he's hell-bent on doing that. He's trying to make this a get back together vacation and also get them on the right track but I'm more so trying to get them on good terms. My mind is made up and he seems to think he can change it. I've been telling him for months that this is what I wanted and he does not accept that. So what other way to piss him off is to include Chris. Chris and I are not having sex. We ended things a long time ago."

"You could've told me." She says to Chris.

"I could've but your organic reaction to everything just made everything more believable." He says

"This is going to cause more friction between you guys." She says referring to Aubrey and Chris.

"If he would just let me separate the two situations, we can get some progress done but he keeps bringing up mine and Chris' relationship." I say. "Chris, why don't you pull him to the side and talk to him separately. That way Jasmine and I can talk."

"Aight. I'll go find him now." Chris gets up and he leaves Jasmine and I at the table.

I look at her. Now shit is awkward. I don't mind having to talk to her, I just have a fear of the unknown. This can possibly go all the way left and it is just her and I here. I look over at Joe and I see he is focused on me. I smiled and he cracked a small smile back at me and I turned back to Jasmine.

"Okay. So let's get the complicated part out of the way. This might come off completely wrong but please know I'm working on my delivery. I know I can come off insensitive, or nonchalant sometimes. I don't want you to think I'm being a bitch, I mean well and I only want to be open and honest with you. So I'm sorry ahead of time if you feel any negativity coming from me. I don't mean it in that way."

"I appreciate that. I'll keep that in mind." She says.

"So, Chris and I are cool, we're not continuously having sex with each other. We had sex a few days before my birthday and before then, it had been months. I don't want you to think that. I know he's talking to you and honestly I'm the reason why he is still talking to you. I don't mean for that to come off in a bitchy way but he was very much trying to keep our situation going and eventually get back together but I told him I was married and that I wanted to work my issues out with my husband. I also told him that I think it would be good if he tried to move on and make something work with you."

"Yeah, he told me that." He says

"Good. It's the truth. At the time I was really trying to work my marriage out but I'm at the point now where I'm tired of continuously saying what issues need to be addressed or fixed and they don't get addressed or fixed. So yes, I am at the point where divorce is definitely in the works. That doesn't mean I'm gonna go back to Chris, but you do have to realize and understand that I will always be around. We're friends, we're actually really good friends and he is one of my closest friend. We are pretty set in our ways when it comes to coparenting and I think that is what everyone is confused about. We put our daughter first. We're both always gonna make sure she's taken care of before anything."

"I understand." She says

"I just don't want you to feel jealous because you think that he's gonna be off cheating on you with me. He's not."

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