13. Own It

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Shawnie's POV

I woke up a couple hours later and instantly went for my phone. I know Aubrey was supposed to call me when he got on the plane but I must've slept through the call. I checked my phone and he called twice. I went to the text messages and he texted me he was on the plane and then he texted me when he landed. I can't help but feel like I shouldn't have given him a hard time especially after he turned around and came back and apologized for how he's been acting.

He really wants me to go to Vegas and support him with these two shows. The Wynn approached him about doing two shows to raise money for charity and of course Aubrey, being a great guy, and a workaholic, he gladly accepted. There's nothing wrong with him accepting any opportunities that presents itself, especially when it comes to charity, but the shows just fall at a horrible time for us.

With this show being as big as it is there's gonna be a lot of press. This is like a huge deal for him and they've been promoting it like crazy. There's already a lot of big names that's gonna be in the building for this show and I'm not up for smiling and posing for pictures when Aubrey and I are not at 100%. But on the other hand, I definitely feel like I have to be there to support him just to keep up appearances and to clear all the rumors up. Even though we're going through something, we're still very much married and I don't want that type of negativity being spoken about us.

I think the only option is for his wife to be there.

I text Mercedes and Dori to let them know that we're going to Vegas and we're gonna leave as soon as possible.

We were on our way out within the hour. For whatever reason, we had to leave out of the main lobby doors. Paparazzi caught me leaving but as usual, I didn't say anything to them. It took everything in me not to say anything because they wanted me to address the rumors of Aubrey and I breaking up, and the abuse. I chose not to say anything. I just simply can't stand them. They got their pictures though.

Once we got to Vegas we got off the plane, then the car service took us straight to the hotel. We were staying at The Wynn. I was surprising Aubrey, so I texted Eric once I got there and let him know we were downstairs. Eric came and got us and brought us back upstairs to Aubrey's Presidential suite.

 Eric came and got us and brought us back upstairs to Aubrey's Presidential suite

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I walked in and Aubrey was sitting at the table, busy doing a Zoom interview. He saw me walk in and his face lit up. He couldn't end his interview, so we sat on the sofa and listened until he got finished.

Once his interview was finally done, he closed his MacBook and hurried over to me. He was so happy and it made my heart so full because he seemed so grateful that I was here. He hugged me so tight and kissed my cheek several times before he finally let go. He sat on the sofa next to me and I cuddled up to him.

"I'm so happy my baby is here. You just don't know." Aubrey says

"Oliver told me how you were crying..." I laugh

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