66. Remember Me

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Shawnie's POV

After we drank another drink or two, we tried to slip out, but Joe caught me. He didn't want me walking around without security. I told him I had Chris' security and that we were just going back to the hotel. He eventually let me go, but I could tell he didn't like it. He didn't want to let me out of his sight.

We went back to Chris' hotel suite. Everything was cool between us. I knew he was leaving in the morning and I was kinda sad about it. Chris and I have been cool but we haven't been this cool in a while and I was having fun with him here in Vegas.

"So I've been thinking..." he says, pouring a shot into a shot glass. "Maybe you should finish the tour with me, let's go back to Phoenix together."

"You're always trying to drag me along with you." I laugh, lighting up a blunt. 

"It's only six more dates left. Give your people two weeks off." He takes the shot and pours another.

"Joe isn't going for that." I say, exhaling smoke.

"Joe? Don't nobody care what he wants. He works for you." He walks the other shot over to me and I take it.

"I know but it's been me and him for so long, it'll be awkward to be without him for two weeks."

"So this is a forever thing? Him working for you." He takes my shot glass and walks back over to the kitchen.

"It's not a forever thing, it's just more like I'm comfortable with him and I feel like I need him around for my safety. Why would I end that?"

He scuffs. He makes both of us drinks and then walks back over to me and sits down.

"Just be honest with me and tell me that you're fucking him." He says

"We're not." I say

"So y'all just got feelings for each other, and are attached to each other?"

"I guess...I don't know what we have going on. I don't want to try to figure it out right now. I just want to be in this moment with you." I smile

"Yeah...clean that shit up." Chris says, taking my glass out of my hand and sitting it on the table. "You ain't getting away from me again." He pulls me to him and kisses me but I pull away after a couple of seconds.

"That's what you think this is? Chris, why can't we just be in each other's presence and enjoy the little time we have together? Why is it always the goal to get me back?"

"Because I am getting you back." He scuffs. "You always tryna shut me down." He says

"No...I just want to have fun tonight." I sit back and try to enjoy my blunt but he interrupts.

"And what about tomorrow and the day after that?"

"We'll see...." I say

"Damn..." he shakes his head and lights his own. "You can't keep playing with me like this."

"Oh, shut up!" I say. "Don't do that. I just want to relax, have some fun with you tonight, and tomorrow we can talk about all that."

"Aight. But we need to talk about this for real." He says then his phone vibrates. He picks his phone up from the table and looks at it, then puts it in his pocket.

"Chanel is here. I'll give you two some time. Don't forget about me." He walks out of the room.

A couple of seconds later, I hear a knock on the door, and I go to answer it. I opened the door and there her fine ass stood. I don't know what's going on with me. I've always been a little attracted to women, but ever since all of this bullshit with Aubrey and Chris, they have been looking a whole lot more tasty. Maybe I should try giving women a real try because these men are horrible to me right now.

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