101. Inner Peace

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Joe's POV

"From Drake With Love...Coming soon." She says, stepping inside of the store. "What is this?" She looks around in disbelief.

The advertisement that was playing on the monitors played a commercial showing Drake looking at different stones and pieces of jewelry. I didn't really pay much attention to what was being said but I did hear something about him trying to find different ways to express his love and came up with this collection.

A woman sales rep spots Shawnie and walks over to us. "Hello, my name is Barbara. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes...what's the campaign with Drake?"

"Oh, the company partnered up with Drake to create a collection called From Drake With Love." She explains.

"Any backstory behind it, do you know?"

"Um, I don't know, but we have a booklet if you would like to read about it." She suggests.

"Yes, please."

The rep disappears in the back. When she returns, she brings back a small little booklet and hands it to her. Shawnie looked it over. I glanced at it, but I was more concerned with why she seemed to kind of be freaking out a little bit.

"Oh my god. I didn't know anything about this." She says looking at the booklet.

"I think it's sweet." The rep says.

"What's going on?" I ask

"....Give me a minute." She looks down at the emerald stone pieces. It looked as if she was trying to process what she was seeing. Whatever it is has definitely taken her by surprise because it's not often that Shawnie doesn't have anything to say.

She looks at me. "..... so this has been in the making probably since you've been around."

"Are you familiar with this collection?"

She smiles at the lady. "I'm his ex wife."

The reps face lights up. "Oh my goodness! Seriously? I think it's such a sweet love story."

She puts on a fake smile. "It's not, he lied about it." Shawnie turns to me. "The weekend I met you I asked him to get me the yellow diamond...."

"Oh wow! That was you? That was a huge deal within the company. Only Hollywood elites have worn that piece."

Shawnie smiles at her. "I see some customers over there that look like they may need your help. I'll call you if I need you." She says dismissing the woman.

I chuckle.

"Anyway, I didn't think he would be able to get it but somehow he did. I feel like this is connected in some way. He kept saying he was in business with them but I never asked about it."

"Okay... help me connect the dots." I say

"Just—let me find out about this." She picks up her phone and I could only assume that she's calling Drake. We have been doing so good with not having any communication with him. But let's just see how this goes.

I watched as she called and held a conversation with him. I studied her every action because if I needed to take the phone I was going to do it but she seemed to be on business. In my opinion it really feels like she's over the whole idea of him. Ever since the jail incident, she's steered clear of him. She hasn't spoken to him at all, not even through text and she's been fine. I believe she's finally made the decision to just let him go. I know she was focused on her son but I believe she sees she doesn't need to communicate with him to coparent with him. I think it's the best way they will be able to coexist in their son's life.

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