12. Possessive

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Chris's POV

The elevator stopped at her floor and the doors opened. I looked straight down the hallway and I saw two guys in all black, sitting in the hallway outside of her door.

Drake is back.

I knew it. I just knew it was a matter of time before she gave in. I was just down here not even an hour ago and she already has him back. That kind of hurt.

I got a text from someone asking me if I was home, so I called them, talked to them for a while. After we got off the phone, I started thinking about her. I came down to check on her. It's clear she doesn't need me. I guess she's fine.

I just stepped back into the elevator and went back upstairs.

Shawnie's POV

I was sitting on my bed in my robe. I was flipping through channels on the TV waiting for him to come back. My emotions were all over the place and to be honest I knew what I wanted but it was kinda hard to accept. I wanted my husband. We just needed to get some things straightened out.

I heard a knock at the door, so I got up to go answer it. I already knew who it was. I didn't even have to look through the peephole. I cracked the door a little and Aubrey's 6'2 frame stepped in and hovered over me. I backed out of the way as he stepped into the suite. I glanced outside and I saw Sam and Eric standing outside the door.

He closed the door behind him, not taking his eyes off of me. He had a stone look on his face and I couldn't read him. We held eye contact and didn't say any words. I didn't know how to feel. I was nervous and a little scared of what could've been going through his head. I didn't know if he was mad at me for making him leave earlier, or not.

He got close to me, as his hand travelled up to my neck. He lightly put it around my neck and backed me into the door. I just stared into his eyes waiting for something to happen. Then his eyes filled with remorse.

He slowly moved in and met my lips with his. The kiss was heavy, and slow, filled with all of these unsaid emotions. He deepens the kiss, showing all of his vulnerability. I sigh into the kiss, giving into him at this moment. He adjusts his bodyweight, pinning me to the door, before kissing down my neck, leaving his mark.

I wince in pain, before he captures my lips again with his leaving the stinging sensation in the crook of my neck. Soon he breaks the kiss, leaving me panting for air.

His eyes are dark, I can barely read him. Then he kisses me again, before muttering something.

Aubrey's POV

Fuck. I start having flashes of her and him again. I need to put an end to that whole situation, because she belongs to me, and I don't like that she's this open with him. I want her to myself. I refuse to share her.

I'm extremely sorry for hurting her because of my issues. I give her everything she wants. I let her have her way. I just refuse to be villainized for feeling like I'm losing her. She's my wife, not anyone else's. She belongs to me, and only me.

I snap out of my thoughts and my eyes land on her eyes.

"Where were you just now?" She asks, as her hands move up my torso, around my neck.

"I was thinking." I say

"Recently nothing good comes from you thinking. Stop it." She says, dropping her hands and walking over to the sofa. "Sit down." She says.

I take a seat next to her, before going to pick her up to place her on me, but she swats my hand away.

"We need to talk, Aubrey." She says.

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