73. Need Me

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Shawnie's POV

After I got myself together, I stepped out of my bedroom, into the living area and I saw Joe sitting two plates on the table. Obviously, one was for me and the other was for him. I guess we're eating dinner together.

"All cleaned up?" He asks. "Come sit." He says, with a smirk on his face.

I walk over to the tables and have a seat. "You made my plate? This was nice of you."

He smiles. "I figured you worked up an appetite."

I tried to mask the embarrassment and nervousness that I know was written all over my face. I felt awkward. It wasn't that awkward like I shouldn't have done it, it was awkward like I knew I was blushing. Joe was really good. I felt weird around him. I'm gonna be honest, I can't believe we did that. We actually followed through with it this time and now it's weird for me. I can't even look him in the eye and it's not like I'm upset it happened. I just don't know how to act around him now.

He sits on one side of the table and I sit directly across from him. We started eating our food and I just couldn't let him talk about me without me saying anything about him. I had to break the ice.

"You did too..." I say looking down at my plate. He was mid chew but started laughing. I laughed as well. I was just trying to lighten the mood.

After we stopped laughing, things got silent for a couple of minutes. Like I said, it wasn't awkward, but it was like we didn't know what to say to each other.

"So how's the single thing going?" He asks. Like he cares for real. He's trying to create small talk, but he could've come up with something better than that.

"You know nothing is going on with it." I say

"Maybe someone has slid into your DM's or you're talking to someone." He shrugs

"I am not talking to a single soul. I just want to get everything situated with Aubrey first, and then I can relax. If I just happen to start talking to somebody then I do but that's not my focus." I say

"Good. It shouldn't be...."

We fall silent again.

Okay, now it's getting awkward awkward.

He sits his fork down. "Okay. So we should talk because the vibe is getting weird. If we both, as two grown and consenting adults, agreed to have sex then there's no need for this to be weird." He says

"I agree it's just...weird."

"How do you feel about it? Has it changed anything?"

"No." I say

"Okay. Same here. So let's just acknowledge that it happened and move on. Nobody has to know what went on but you and I."


"We cool?" He asks


"Good. I do have to say one thing though..."

"What's that?"

"You taste good." He says with a smile.

"Oh my gosh, stop." I blush, trying to hide my face.

"Why are you shy right now?"

"I don't know. I think it's because it's you. We had sex...I'm supposed to be your boss."

"And you still are... but now the job description has changed. I told you whatever you need me for I'm here for you, that hasn't changed. We're just adding to the list of things to do." He says with a straight face.

Under The Influence: N 2 DeepTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang