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I arrived back in LA at 5:30 to the craziest wind storm, my mom picked me up. She wanted to hear everything about New York. Now, I'm walking into the beach house unannounced to surprise Jordan.

"Hey Ash come- Vie? Wait hold on I'm seeing things," Jordan rambles standing up to hug me.

"Hi," I smile, wrapping my arms around him.

"I- I didn't know you were coming so soon, I thought you were gonna be here later tonight," he shakes his head as we pull apart.

"Came a little early, mom wanted to pick me up," I shrug sitting on the couch, "otherwise I would've had you, but enough about me, how is everyone? What's new?"

"Um well Spence is seeing uh this girl, Alecia and Olivia is seeing some guy," Jordan lists.

"Ash and Jamie?" I ask.

"They're going strong," Jordan nods, "uh Jamie's been having some health issues but Asher's worrying for the both of them,"

"That's good that they're going well," I say happy for them.

"Yeah, uh I have some news," Jordan starts.

"Ok?" I give him a look not sure what this news could entail.

"I decided to stay at GAU," Jordan tells me.

"What? Why?" I ask, "I thought you were so set on leaving,"

"Uh my dad is going to be head coach," Jordan explains.

"What! That's amazing, J!" I wrap my arms around him.

"I- I know, I'm pumped," Jordan agrees, but he didn't see to excited.

"Is something wrong with your dad being coach?" I ask him.

"Um it's just Spencer, who knows if he'll be ok with it, I mean-"

I cut off his ramble, "hey, it'll be okay, just relax," I place my hand on his, "when Spence finds out, he finds out and we'll figure it out then,"


"Yeah, we'll figure it out," I smile kissing his cheek.

I strolled into the old baker home to meet Leila and Olivia for a much needed girls-coffee talk. "Ivie! How was New York?" Leila asks.

"Good, really good, but I'm very happy to be home," I nod sitting down.

"So you hung out with Jordan last night?" Olivia asks.


"You two back together?" Leila asks me.

"Uh, not necessarily," I stutter.

"What do you mean? I thought you two were-"

I cut Olivia off, "I- we didn't talk about it, he didn't ask me, but on all of our FaceTimes he talked about us being back together,"

"I'm sure he'll ask you," Leila nudges me.

I nod, "so what's this?" I motion to the article on the table.

"An interview Leila had for Formonica records" Olivia explains, "so good it might get to go on the fridge!"

"What Leila!" I exclaim reaching for it to read.

dumb love ~ jordan baker Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora