23. dumb love

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Leila was finally back from her rehab. So Asher, Liv, Spence and I decided to fill her in. "This is nice, I haven't been out in public since rehab," Leila says cheerfully. "I feel cut off from the world,"

"Like you've been living in a bubble?" Liv asks. She looks at all of us for something, "from my podcast,"

"Oh Livvie, I haven't gotten listening yet," I admit.

"I wanted to listen together," Asher shrugs.

"It's on my list, my wifi is down," Spencer lies.

"You know what? Whatever, so let me catch you up on what's happened since you've been gone," Liv changes the subject, "let's see, uh Ivie and Jordan have broken up like 10 times and are not back together yet-"

"What! Hey! Stop!" I say offended as the other four are laughing, "we've only broken up two times, but JJ's president,"

"Oh stop, no that's enough. I don't want to live in this scary new world maybe I should just check myself back in," Leila jokes.

"No, don't you dare. You're coming to my cotillion," Olivia demands.

"I cannot believe you're excited for a fancy ball," Leila teases.

"Who said I was excited?" Olivia asks. " I mean if I have to try on one more pair of frilly white gloves, I will cut my hands off in protest,"

"So would you have to wear the bloody gloves?" I ask.

"You would still need gloves for the stumps right?" Spencer also asks.

"That's true," Leila nods in seriousness as Asher breaks out into giggles. "Hey she's been dreading this thing since she heard about it,"

"Why? I think it's gonna be fun, we can like all go together," Leila exclaims.

"I wish but Spencer, Asher, and I have to be there early to line up for the official presentation," Liv sighs.

"Why do you have to be there?" She asks Spencer.

"Kia didn't have an escort, so I told her I'd go," Spencer explains.

"Oh, that'll be fun," Leila tries staying positive.

"Just wait till you see me and Asher's rendition of beauty and the beast," Liv smiles.

"Wait, who's who?" Asher jokes.

"Uh you're definitely the beast, but only because you've been working out so much," she shrugs.

"You been hitting it pretty hard?" Spencer asks him.

"Only if two or three times a day is pretty hard," Liv answers for him.

"Three?" Spencer asks shocked.

"Mhm," my phone starts vibrating, "sorry I'll be back it's J,"

"Hey J, what's up?" I ask.

"Hey, Vie, where are you?"

"I'm at the cafe, Leila's back," I smile.

"Oh, ok tell her I say hi, I'll see y-"

I cut him off, "why'd you call me Jordan?"

"Because I missed you," he says truthfully, "but I'll see you ok?" he hangs up before I can even say anything back.

I smile hanging up, that boy.

It was now the night before the cotillion and I was hanging out with Jordan. "Hey I gotta learn the cotillion dance," Jordan sighs dropping his phone.

dumb love ~ jordan baker Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant