40. friendship

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The next day--

Liv and I were driving to the football game in Crenshaw. Liv notices a police car behind us. "Ives. Look" she points. I turn around. "Oh oh my god are they- they following us?" I start shaking.

"Holy shit yeah." She says. I grab my phone and call Jordan. "Come on j. Pick up!" I mutter frustratedly. I put it on speaker. "Hey baby the games about to start where are you?"

"J- Jordan there's a cop following us." I freak.

"We didn't do anything wrong!" Liv says trying to stay calm.

"What are you sure?" Jordan asks.

"What if it's about me leaking that video." Liv starts shaking.

"What do we do?" I ask frantically.

"Uh uh." Jordans thinking I can tell. The lights start flashing in the cops car.

"He's pulling us over." I inform Jordan. "Whew ok ok uh park near someone a witness." Jordan says.

Liv pulls over and there's two guys on bikes.

I start tearing up. "J what- what if they."

"What-" Liv starts.

"Guys stay calm okay. Keep your hands visible. don't move." Jordan advises. "Vie, stay with me on the phone. What's happening?"

"Ivie! Liv!" Jordan exclaims after we're quiet for 10 seconds. "Talk to me!"

The cop drives around us and Liv and I make eye contact with the cop. We both breathe the breath we didn't know we were holding. I pick up the phone, "Jordan. I think it's ok he left."

"Ok. I called mom and sent her your pin she's going to follow you guys home. Don't come to the game." Jordan tells us.

"Ok. Ok" liv and I both say. I hang up the phone with Jordan and hug Liv.

Mrs. Baker comes. "Are you two alright?" She asks as Liv rolls down her window. "Yeah." We mumble. We drive to the baker house and I go and take a nap in Jordan's room. I wake up to someone opening his bedroom door. "Hey j." I mumble. "Hey baby, you alright?"he kisses me.

"Yeah I'm ok. Is Liv?"

He chuckles, "yeah she's good. I'm glad your ok."

"Yeah." I mumble. He lays beside me and pulls me on top of him so I'm facing his face. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you" he repeats kissing me again. "How was the game?" I ask rolling over and sitting up. "Good. Hard being on the sidelines but it's whatever. Also Crenshaw is still in the run for the playoffs."

"That's amazing I bet Spencer is pumped!" I cheer.

"Yeah. He is." He chuckles.

"So how about we watch a movie?" I look down at him.

"Actually you need to get home, your family wants to talk to you. Your sister's downstairs." He whispers kissing my cheek.

"Oh ok." I get up fixing my top and looking in Jordan's mirror fixing my hair. He walks behind me and kisses the back of my neck. I lean into him, "can i just stay here?" I whine. He wraps his arms around me. "I wish but your family's important." He whispers kissing my head. "Ugh fine!" I whine dramatically. "Love you."

"I love you too." I say walking out the door.

"Hey Haylee," I say walking down the stairs.

"Hey Ives. Let's get going Carson's in the car waiting." Haylee grabs her keys hugging Olivia and Mrs. Baker. I do the same, "thank you." I mumble to Mrs. Baker. "Always." She whispers back kissing my cheek.

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