1. the new kid

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Ivie Pov

Today is my first day of my junior year my parents made my family move to Beverly Hills, for my parents jobs.

I was walking into school on my first day when I ran into a girl with curly hair. "Hey sorry," I said. "

Oh no that was my fault I'm Liv," she smiles introducing herself.

"Hi um I'm Ivie and I'm new." I said.

"Hey I'll show you around." Liv says.

"Thank you." I say smiling and talking getting to know her.


A/n ik in the show Liv doesn't sit with the football team and Leila but she is for this.

"Here let's sit over here. Hi guys this is Ivie Blake. Ivie this is Asher, Leila, Spencer and Jordan and then up top is JJ, Hadley and Lucy." Liv says sitting down.

"So you're new?" Jordan asks.

"Yeah um my parents made me move here for their jobs so." I shrug.

"Oh cool yeah." He says.

"Spencer's also new" Liv peeps up.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah uhm just came yesterday" Spencer says.

"Cool" I smile.

"So I think I'll give Liv a break and I'll show you around, after school alright?" Jordan says.

"Ok that's fine" I smile at the boy before heading to my other classes.

End of the day—

I met Jordan after calculus. "So uhm what do you do for fun Ivie?" Jordan asked.

"I do Cheerleading and I dance occasionally," I reply.

"Oh cool better cheer loud for me on that field." Jordan says grinning.

"Oh don't worry I will, you're the quarterback right? " I ask for clarification trying to remember what Olivia told me and from previous times my boyfriend has talked about him.

"Yeah how'd you know?" He asked.

"Oh Liv mentioned it and my boyfriend, Jake has too," I shrug. "See you tonight?" I add on.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'm hanging out with Liv figured I'd see you" I smile lightly.

"Oh uh yeah" he smiled.

"Perfect, you better get to practice. Thanks for walking me," I open my car door.

"Yeah anytime," he starts walking away back towards the school.

I knocked on the door to the bakers house. A blonde lady opened the door. "Hi um I'm Ivie I'm here to see Liv."

"Hey Ivie!!" Liv greets coming down the stairs and hugging me.

"Oh Ivie are you staying for dinner?" Mrs. Baker asks me.

"If that's ok with you," I say being polite.

"Of course it is you guys have fun" Mrs. Baker assures. Then I follow Liv up to her room. We talked about liv's addictions and about my family and how my parents are rarely home.

"You should stay over tonight" Liv offers.

"Oh I don't know I mean-"Ivie starts.

"Yes you are your parents aren't home and it's not a school night so your staying." Liv commands.

dumb love ~ jordan baker Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin