32. lose you

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I was at the cafe studying after school when Dane Kohler interrupted me. "Hey Ivie, what's up?"

"What do you want Dane?" I scoff shutting my computer.

"Um just wondering does your boy toy know about what happened between us?" He asks sitting down.

"Never asked you to sit, but ok, and yes he knows you made up a rumor about me and how we used to be friends," I tell him.

"No not that, you know what I'm talking about, last spring," he recalls my blur of a memory.


It was just after I found out about Jordan getting Simone pregnant. I just left the birthday party and well I was sobbing in my car. I drove all the way over to Westlake. To Dane's house. I don't know what I was thinking. Old connection. Plus I knew his parents would most likely be gone and he'd let me get drunk, cause he's an ass. None of my real friends from Beverly would let me to cope.

"Ivie, what are you doing here?" He asks when he opens the door.

"I want to get drunk, your parents home?" I sniffle.

He shakes his head opening the door, "come on in,"

He leads me to his kitchen and pulls some bottles of beer from the fridge. "No I want vodka,"


"Yes I want vodka," I state, "I can just drink from the bottle too,"

"What the hell happened to make you just want to drink straight vodka?" Dane asks.

"My boyfriend got another girl pregnant," I take a chug from the bottle.

"Jordan did?" He asks, "damn even I didn't do something that bad to you,"

"We weren't together when it happened, we were on a break," I slur drinking even more.'

Two hours later and I had downed the rest of the bottle. I sobbed in front of Dane and passed out on his couch. That's all I remember at least.

Present Day-

"Yep, I told him," I lie.

"Your a shit liar," he scoffs.

"It doesn't matter, nothing happened," I cross my arms.

"Yeah, how do you know that? You were pretty wasted, we could've slept together," Dane shrugs.

"I know I wouldn't cheat on him no matter how drunk I was," I say, my voice firm.

"Well hopefully he never finds out then," Dane warns.

"Oh my god, your not blackmailing me with this," I say knowing what he would do.

"I'm not gonna blackmail, any person who was listening could infer after what I said to you the other night," he shrugs.

I exhale heavily, "well I'll tell Jordan soon, I'm gonna go,"

I pack up all my stuff and put it in my bag leaving before he could say anything else.

Time Skip-

I was at the football game cheering on the eagles obviously. And Jordan was sacked to the ground hard. He was laying there not moving. The referee blew the whistle and they sent people over to help him. He was we able to get up on his own, "hey you know that was a cheap shot!" JJ yells at the ref.

"Hey I'm going to check on Jordan if Coach asks," I whisper to Katie and go into the first aid kit.

"Any dizziness?" The paramedic asks Jordan.

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