70. chase your dreams

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It was my last weekend before I'm off to New York for 30 days exactly. I planned to spend my whole day packing. Plans somewhat changed when Jordan showed up at my door.

"Hi?" I say questionably.

"Hey," he says gently, "can I come in?"

"Uh sure, what's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing I just need you," he says simply.

I squint my eyes at him, "Jordan you dumped me five days ago and now you want to have sex? Get out,"

"No! No, no, no, no, no," he repeats, "I need you as my friend, all this recruit shit after Garrett left has been hard and your always there for me,"

"Okay so you want to hang out?" I ask.

"Yes, what are you up to?" He sits down on my couch.

"Packing, leave tomorrow," I point to my three suitcases.

"Right, yeah, what time?" He asks.

"Like 5:30 pm," I tell him, "I actually was going to go get a coffee, want to come?"

"Yeah, let's go." He stands up and holds his hand out to me, I hesitate but take it.

We go to the cafe and I grabbed Jordan and I's coffees while he picked a table.

He picked the table we sat at when he asked me to homecoming junior year, coincidence? I doubt it. "Really this table?" I ask.

"What's wrong with this table?" Jordan asks confusion on his face.

"You asked me to homecoming at this table junior year," I shrug.

"Vie, we've sat at all of these tables, we come here a lot still even in college," Jordan points out.

"I guess,"

"Like over there," Jordan points to a bigger long table, "you dumped me for being a jackass and over there we had a brunch date and over-"

I cut him off, "okay I get it!"

He laughs at me, "just saying, I do love that you remember that though,"

I shrug taking a sip of my drink.

"I have a question," he proposes.

"Ok what's your question?" I ask.

"Let's say New York goes amazing, which it will, and you feel that urge to move, you going to?" He asks.

"I really don't know, I have all my family and friends here, and I love the weather and everything, but New York I can start a brand new life, be very independent and chase my dream, but it's not that nice in the winter which is a major downside," I explain.

He laughs at my comment, "be a tough decision,"

"Yeah, so what's up with all these recruits?" I ask, "how you dealing with all the work? You ok?"

"Uh yeah no we're just focusing on securing our commitments," He shrugs, "right now we have about ten out of twenty signed so,"

"Oh that's awesome, J! I hope you get the rest," I smile, "I have like no packing done, you wanna head back to my place? It'll get your mind off of it,"

He nods, "let's go,"

Two hours or so later—

"Uh how's the men's line going?" Jordan asks.

"Good, really good, it's been a hit," I smile.

"I know Ash loves all the clothes you sent him," he chuckles.

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