24. scared & alone

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I woke up feeling really drowsy. The first thing I see is my dad and the sling on my arm/shoulder. I was now in a hospital gown, I saw my bloody dress and Jordan's tux coat in the corner. "Hey sweet pea? How you feeling?"

I whine, "my arm hurts,"

"I know, I know, but they did surgery on your arm while you were out," he explains.

"What time is it?"

"5:30 in the morning," he grabs my hand on the arm that wasn't shot.

"The bullet grazed through the top of your shoulder hit the bone, broke off and some pieces hit your neck that's why you have a bandage there," he points to the side of my neck.

"They said you were lucky, and that the reason you passed out was because your energy levels were low and the blood loss wasn't helping," he goes on. "Ives they said you must've not eaten anything at all yesterday, is that true?"

"Yeah, I wasn't hungry, but I'm not going through an eating disorder again dad," I say, knowing that's what he's probably thinking.

"You promise?"

"Yes," I sigh, "I promise, where's Jordan? Is Spence ok?"

"Hospital is under lockdown because of gang violence, so Jordan can't be back here but he's in the waiting room and has been texting me every second, here's your phone," he pulls it out of his pocket placing it on the table.

"Spencer? Is he ok?" I ask.

"He's been in and out, no one but Olivia's seen him and his family have seen him, he probably will need surgery and he got it worse than you,"

"Oh," I sigh, "do they know who did it?"

He shakes his head, "no that's why we're still on lockdown, police are really curious on how you got shot at, and how they knew you were in there,"

"Oh, yeah I mean I heard the first gun shots but then I was going to see what was going on then my window was shot at," I ramble.

"Moms stuck in traffic, but she's rushing, just rest ok?" He smiles gently.

I nod, "thanks dad,"

It was about noon and I was allowed visitors. My mom and dad went to deal with my car, so Jordan and I were left alone. "Ivie," he comes in kissing my head.

"Hey, J," I smile. "I love you," he admits, "I thought you were dead when you passed out and I just- I needed to say that because that's all I was thinking about on the drive here how we never got back together yet and we maybe never could've,"

I tear up being overly emotional, "you drove with me over here?"

He nods, "I had to know you were going to be ok,"

"I love you,"

I couldn't even process anything before he kisses me, I kiss back. "Please- please Ivie, can we get back together? Life is too short to not be together anymore,"

"yeah, of course," I smile nodding and pat the bed next to me, "you going anywhere today?"

"No," he sits down next to me putting his arm gently behind me being careful when his hand got over to my left side, where I was shot.

"Spence is getting surgery at 4, I was thinking we could go see him before it," Jordan mumbles, I nod, "I'd like that,"

He kisses my head, "I'm so glad your ok,"

dumb love ~ jordan baker Where stories live. Discover now