66. maturing

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It was game day for GAU. Olivia invited me to watch it with her, Patience, Leila, and Coop. I lied and told her I had dance, so here I am watching the game alone at my apartment. I only lied because well Leila was going to be there and I kinda stormed off after she told she had feelings for Jordan, so I'm hiding. Great way to solve problems.

The game was starting rough for Jordan to say the least. He kept sacked by the same guy every single time. They did not have him blocked at all. I was very worried for Jordan's safety as his girlfriend. They ended up losing 10-14. My phone started buzzing, I picked it up and it read:

incoming call: Livvie 😍🫶🩷

"Hey what's up girl?" I ask answering the phone.

"Jeez you answered that quick, did practice just get out?"

"Oh uh yeah! On my way to my apartment Uh now," I lie gritting my teeth.

"Oh ok! Well I just wanted to make sure you heard the score and that we missed hanging out with you today. You've been very busy lately," she sighs.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Liv, dance is just crazy but I'm going over to the beach house, oh wait you probably don't-" I trail off just remembering that her and Spencer aren't together.

"No it's okay, we'll find time, see ya babe,"

"Bye Liv, love you!" I hang up.

I drive over to the beach house and see Jamie and Asher cuddled up on the couch, "hey you two, how've you been?"

"Good, how are you?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah, we've missed you Ives, very distant lately," Asher adds.

"Hm yeah well dance occupies a lot so," I trail off.

"Or you're avoiding someone," Jamie shrugs somehow reading right through my lies.

I scoff, "what?" My face drops as I chuckle, "I'm not avoiding anyone, that's crazy, now is Jordan upstairs?"

"Ivie, Leila told me." Jamie speaks up.

"Told you what?" I ask acting like I'm clueless.

She tilts her head, "that she has feelings for Jordan,"

"Oh!" I fake laugh, "I totally forgot that was so two weeks ago! I don't even care- oh what's that babe? Oh Jordan needs me nice seeing you two!" I lie running up the stairs to avoid my problems.

I go into Jordan's room and shut his door laying on his bed. I hear him in the bathroom, "babe is that you?"

"Yeah," I answer. He comes out in a towel and a toothbrush in his mouth. Now maybe I haven't seen him in a day but I am so turned on by this.

"Like what you see Vie?" He teases seeing my wandering eyes.

I shrug, "maybe, you look sexy,"

"Why thank you," he smirks going to his bathroom to finish up brushing and changing into clothes.

He lays down next to me on his bed, "did you ice your hand?"

"Yeah, it's all good, don't worry baby it's the off season anyway now," he sighs kissing me, "I've missed you,"

"Seems like everyone is," I mumble.

"What do you mean?"

"I keep flaking whenever Leila's around, i even lied to Liv today saying I had dance when I didn't, the season is over and I can't keep lying," I explain.

"Then don't, talk to Leila like a mature adult would, I mean I did already," Jordan shrugs.

"Well what'd you say?" I ask.

dumb love ~ jordan baker Where stories live. Discover now