Chapter 135: Jobhunting

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🎶 Drive By — Marilyn Bailey, Jake Coco 🎶

We had slept on the boat on Sunday night, as we both just weren't feeling it to get back to the apartment. Arthur as well as Lorenzo's friends had been kind enough to take care of Oli while I was with Charles and he had left Monday morning. We also had to get back eventually, as my first job interview was scheduled for the afternoon.

It didn't quite go as planned as the head of HR was a huge fan of Charles and only wanted to gossip about the race yesterday, hoping to get some more information out of me. When I finally got him back on track and asked about the position I had applied for, he simply said that they had already given it to someone else but he just wanted to meet me in person. I was furious and drove back to the apartment almost causing three incidents.

Charles waited for me and immediately jumped up from the couch to race to the door to ask me how it was.
"He was a fan, just wanting to meet Charles Leclerc's girlfriend" I scoffed.
"Shoot - I'm sorry for you, but come on: six more chances to go still" he said and hugged me.
I just sighed and nodded.
"What do you want to do tonight?" he asked.
"What are you feeling?" I asked him back.
"Crying and staying in bed?" he said truthfully.
"Ok let's do that." I said. He was still very much beaten down from yesterday.
"Any recommendations for a movie that might help with the crying part?" he asked as he took his laptop and wandered to his room.
"Definitely Pearl Harbour" I stated following him.

The movie delivered and we were cuddled into each other, bawling our eyes out. I must have watched that movie a gazillion times and it still had the same effect on me.
"How do you feel? Be honest, please" I asked Charles.
"Awful. I'm still so hurt, I can't believe what happened. But I've come to terms with it and I can't change it now - let's just hope that stuff like this won't happen again..." he sighed.
I just nodded. I wasn't sure he had really come to terms with it and I just hoped that he wasn't keeping everything in and explode sooner or later.

On Tuesday, I had two job interviews. The first one went quite well, but they told me they would call me - I thought this was a bad sign, as they usually give you an offer immediately if they really wanted you. The second one made me an offer indeed, but it was ridiculous: they wanted to give me junior associate position, whereas I aimed for an associate or senior associate position because of my qualifications, and the salary was just a joke, I would be making less than half of what I was making now as a trainee. I thanked them and took the offer home, but I definitely wasn't considering this.

We went out to dinner with Marta and Riccardo and I eyed her suspiciously when she declined the wine we had ordered. I didn't ask her anything, as I thought it to be a bit intrusive - I would be ecstatic if she was pregnant, but she was going to tell us when she felt ready.

On Wednesday, I had two other job interviews scheduled. They invited me to the first one again only because I was Charles' girlfriend and told me pretty soon that there was no chance for me working there without a Master's degree obtained in the European Union. My experience at the second interview was even worse: the HR guy made me feel so uncomfortable and dropped very inappropriate sexual comments during our talk. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and faked having a real bad stomachache.

Charles was waiting for me at his boat, and wanted to spend the evening out on the sea as it had been such a hot day and he wanted to cool down a bit.
"I'm here!" I shouted when I had gotten on the Sedici.
"I'm in the front!" I heard him shout, so I went over to greet him. "Ready to go?" he asked and I nodded.
We set out and I admired the beautiful coastline once again.

"How did your day go?" Charles asked.
"Not very well. One interviewer probably wanted to have sex with me and the other told me that I wasn't qualified enough" I sighed.
"Did he touch you?" Charles asked angrily.
"No, no, thank God, he just dropped vulgar comments - I got out of there as soon as I could." I replied.
He just nodded and pulled me closer to him. We both sat in silence for a while until I spoke up:
"Would you be disappointed if I did a Master's degree next year?"
"What? Why would I be disappointed?" Charles chuckled.
"Well... I don't know... Maybe you prefer this professional me who works instead of a version of me which chills around, living a comfortable student life? It's just... I think I'd have much better job opportunities with an EU degree in a year's time - I already googled a bit and there seems to be a good course in Nice, which obviously isn't far away. Upside is that I could travel much more to races with you - downside, well, the financial part?" I blabbered, letting out the thoughts filling my brain.
"I think it's a brilliant idea to get acquainted with the local law... And I love the upside and you shouldn't worry about the downside, you know I have enough-" he said, but I cut him off as I knew exactly what was coming.
"Nope. I'm not living off your money. I have set aside enough to get through a year and maybe I can find a part-time job." I said sternly.
"Ok, I won't argue if you have already thought about it, but why are you so opposed to my money?" he asked.
"Because I don't need it and don't want to depend on it" I explained.
He nodded understandingly and kissed me.

The next day, I had my two last interviews. They both told me that they would call me, but I was pretty sure that they wouldn't. But I had come to terms with it and decided to pursue a European Master's degree, in hopes of getting better job offers next year. Plus, I had loved being a student, it was a good excuse to spend one more year having fun and not being tied to office hours. As Charles had gone out training with Andrea, I decided to drive to Nice to check out the uni and ask for more information on the course I had read about. The course was called "Law and Tax Management" and the lady assured me that I could qualify with my UK degree. The EDHEC Business School campus was amazing too, and they had a great variety of extra-curricular activities, such as a student tennis association, a program helping young cancer patients or a wine club.

On Friday, Charles and I drove to Nikki Beach in St Tropez after his training session in the morning. I was feeling relaxed and content with my decision, even though it wasn't exactly what had planned. Enrolment was in August and classes wouldn't be starting until the end of September, giving me also some time to settle into my new surroundings.
"I'm so happy" I told Charles as we were lounging at the bar and I was sipping on my third mojito.
"And I'm happy if you're happy. You see, everything always works out somehow" he said and smiled, sipping on his non-alcoholic fruit cocktail.

📍 Nikki Beach St-TropezTagged: charles_leclercdailymail Ferrari F1 driver Charles Leclerc and his British girlfriend Mary Wright were spotted all loved up in St Tropez after a disastrous race weekend in Monte-Carlo

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📍 Nikki Beach St-Tropez
Tagged: charles_leclerc
dailymail Ferrari F1 driver Charles Leclerc and his British girlfriend Mary Wright were spotted all loved up in St Tropez after a disastrous race weekend in Monte-Carlo. The couple was first spotted at that very beach club almost two years ago!

user1 Couple goals
maxverstappen1 Guys, I already told you, it was me with Charles at Nikki Beach 2 years ago...
Replying to maxverstappen1:
charles_leclerc You looked so good in that white bikini 🤤
Replying to maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc:
f1ismypassion This year's two championship contenders, ladies and gentlemen

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