Chapter 39: Suprises and even more suprises

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🎶 Wasted Love (feat. Lagique) — Ofenbach, Lagique 🎶

The next morning, I woke up and found Charles laying next to me. As soon as he realized that I had woken up, he started complaining about a hangover, even though I could not remember him drinking that much.

At one point I had enough and asked: "Charles, what did Maya tell you yesterday?"
"What? What are you talking about? We just caught up a little, we have not seen each other for a long time, but hey, I don't owe you an explanation and please, I have a huge headache."
I knew that this was not the truth, but his mood was so unbearable that I did not want to argue.
"Will you be able to drive me to the airport at noon?" I asked annoyed.
"No, I have already asked Pierre to drop you off. I'm sorry."

I saw red. I was furious about everything, me even coming here in the first place. I packed my suitcase angrily and since it was already half past eleven I stomped downstairs without even saying goodbye.

When I saw Pierre coming around the corner with his car, he immediately sensed my fury and asked: "What happened?"
"I don't fucking know" I shouted while getting in the car. "He was a completely different person when he came back from his chat with that Maya girl. He did not want to talk to me yesterday evening nor today. I even left without saying goodbye." I did not know if I was on the verge to crying or getting even more furious, but it was probably both.

Pierre listened and just said: "This does not sound good. I will talk to Lorenzo later about this girl, he must know her a bit better, maybe Charles even told him what she said to him yesterday."
"I would rather hear it from Charles though, but thanks."
The mood in the car was extremely gloomy, but Pierre was friendly as always and tried to cheer me up with some funny stories from the Paddock and even managed to leave out Charles from most of them.

When we arrived at the airport in Nice, Pierre pulled me in a tight hug and said: "Hold your head up, Mary. I know he loves you, he told me a million times. You know, I told you I think you could be the One and I still believe that."
"Thank you, Pierre. But it's not in my hands anymore. I really hope you are right, though" I sighed.

While I was sitting at the gate waiting for my flight I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to Charles:

Mary ❤️
Sorry about how we left things, I hope you are feeling better now. I love you. Talk to you in the evening?

Charles had not answered yet, when the flight was ready to take off, so I turned on flight mode and hoped, that I would have an answer when I would land in London.

I did not receive an answer when I landed in England, however I found a message from Lorenzo:

Lorenzo Tolotta-Leclerc
Mary, I am so sorry. I don't know what happened with Charles. I will try and talk to him and get back to you. Hang in there!

Great. That did not sound too optimistic. I got on the tube and went home. After greeting my parents shortly I made my way to my room, where I tried calling Charles, but he did not pick up. I did not want to bombard him with calls, so I gave up, hoping that he would get back to me eventually.

I started feeling unwell and decided to go to sleep, however I ended up not sleeping well at all. My mind was full of pictures of Charles with Maya.

The next day, I got up exhausted and put on the first outfit I could find for work. On my commute, I tried calling Charles again, but like yesterday, he did not pick up. My day went from bad to worse when Mr Gant assigned me three new mergers I would have to follow, all being transacted between here and the US, which meant that I would have to stay in even later, working according to the American time zone.

The day only went by slowly, my colleagues went out for lunch, but I was not hungry, so I passed. Instead of my stomach, I only felt a huge hole in my abdomen. I stood up, went to the toilet and when I was there, I started crying. Tears streamed down my face and I wondered how I had managed not to cry before. 48 hours ago, my world was fine, I was having lunch with my wonderful boyfriend and his family, and now, he was on the verge of breaking up with me.

When I had managed to calm myself down a bit, I returned to my desk and tried to carry on my work, hoping that it would distract me from my thoughts.

It was already 8 and I was revising a document on my computer with William next to me, when my phone suddenly buzzed. Anxiously, I looked at it and my heart stopped when I saw Charles' name on the screen. I opened his message:

Charles ❤️
I have to come to London to talk to you. When are you free?

Such a dry text message and he wants to talk - I combined two and two and answered.

If you are only coming to break up with me, save it. Just tell me now.

William had read the messages, since he was standing behind me, but I could not care less. He looked at my worriedly and asked: "Mary, are you ok? What happened when you were away?"
"Another girl appeared." I answered without emotions.
The sudden buzz of my phone distracted us from our conversation and we both looked at it.

Charles ❤️
I am sorry, Mary. I wish you all the best.

What. The. Fuck. In that moment, his profile picture disappeared and I knew, that he had blocked me. I also checked Instagram and saw, that he had done the same there too.

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