Chapter 31: Three long weeks

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🎶 As It Was — Harry Styles 🎶

When I arrived home, I joined my family for a quick dinner and excused myself afterwards to go up to my room and call Charles.

"Bonsoir Mary" he said as he picked up my FaceTime call.
"Good evening my darling" I replied while making myself comfortable on my bed.
"Tell me everything" he said with a smile on his lips.
So I told him about my day, about the other three trainees and about my partner Mr Gant. I also told him about my upcoming court case in three weeks and how excited I was to go there with my partner.
"That's in three weeks? Maybe I'll be in London! Can I come watch you in court?" he asked interested.
"Sure, it's a public trial. But I won't be doing anything special, I will just pass notes to my boss." I joked.
"You will definitely look hot while passing notes and I want to see this." Charles said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes jokingly and said: "Fine, if you really want to. Do you know the dates already when you will be here?"
"Yes, I will arrive on Thursday 17th and fly to Russia on Tuesday 22nd for the race" he said.
"Perfect, I'll note that immediately and will try to make a nice program for us. Unfortunately I will only have Saturday and Sunday off. Oh, and please fly to City airport, it's the nearest to my office and a small one, so you'll hopefully go undetected."
"Thanks for the airport tip. And don't worry about you working, George and Lando will be around - I will spend some time with them too" he replied.
I was relieved a bit. I did not want Charles to feel left behind, but hopefully the two Brits will keep him occupied.

The next three weeks were pretty monotonous. Work got more and more day by day and I usually leave the office at around 10pm now. But the cases are extremely interesting and I feel valued by the lawyers in Mr Gant's team.

Charles and I had also gotten into a steady routine. We called each other in the morning while he was getting ready for his workout and I was on my tube ride to the office, and once in the evening when I was on my ride back home and he was mostly already in bed.

The first weekend of September the Italian Grand Prix took place which I watched from home with my dad and Oli, who was spending his last weekend home before going back to uni in Bath.
My worst fear came true and Charles had a massive crash during the race, but thankfully he was unharmed, except for a few bruises. He was devastated when I called him in the evening, since the crash was his fault, but I tried to reassure him that the important thing was to get out of that car alive. He apologized for making me feel scared, which I found extremely sweet.
Afterwards, I also texted Pierre to congratulate him on his first F1 win:

Mary Wright
Congratulations on your first win Pierre, such an impressive drive. I am very proud of you and I know that Anthoine is too.

Pierre Gasly
Thank you for your message, Mary, it means a lot. I hope your new job is going well and that I will see you soon 🤗

Mary Wright
Job is working out quite well, I am happy! I really hope so too!

The next weekend, my friend from uni, Anne and I decided to do a Spa day in a hotel on Saturday to try and relax a bit. I also took the opportunity to wax every part of my body for Charles' arrival a few days later.

On Sunday, I watched the Tuscan GP with Christian, Val and a few other friends at Val's new flat in Marylebone. Charles finally had a points finish again and he was in a much better mood than after last week's race when I called him in the evening. I could not wait to have him here in just four days.

Monday to Wednesday before his arrival was crazy at work though. I tried to get everything done by Wednesday evening, so that I would be able to go home from work early on Thursday and Friday in order to spend more time with Charles.

On Wednesday night I just could not see an ending nearing to my workday so I called Charles at 9 while I was getting my takeout food from the reception downstairs. Charles was a bit worried about me getting home so late and I promised him that I would call a cab.

I ended up leaving at 2.30am but happy that I had managed to finish all my tasks before tomorrow.

The next day I felt energized and happy, in spite of my late return home last night. I put on a nice outfit with which I could also wear to dinner after work and left home at my usual time.

When I entered work everybody noticed my good mood, especially William who asked me from across my desk: "Mystery boyfriend is coming?"I turned dark red and just nodded

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When I entered work everybody noticed my good mood, especially William who asked me from across my desk: "Mystery boyfriend is coming?"
I turned dark red and just nodded.
My desk phone rang and I answered.
"Miss Wright, this is Mr Gant, could you and Mr Stuart please come to my office." my partner said on the other line of the phone.
"Yes, we are on our way." I replied and hung up.
"You, me, Mr Gant's office, now" I told William.

We both walked to our boss' office where he was already expecting us.
"Ah there you are, I just wanted to inform you that I am throwing a small gathering on Saturday evening at my house and I want you two to come. Some of my clients will be coming and it would be a good opportunity for you to meet them and network in general. But it's not a work event, so plus ones are very welcome." he said and winked at the last sentence.
"Thanks for the invitation, me and my girlfriend Claire will attend", William responded.
"Yes, my boyfriend and I will come too." I said in a serious tone. I debated a bit with myself but then I added: "I just want to add beforehand, that his job is very different and that might cause some... interest in him." I tried to remain as vague as possible.
"I am already curious to meet him then! I will send you an e-mail with my address" Mr Gant exclaimed happily.

William and I both exited his office.
"Is your boyfriend a drug dealer?" he asked joking.
"No, he works in an even more dangerous profession" I said and winked at him.

I hoped that Charles would be ok by us attending my boss' party. It's not exactly the most romantic thing to do when your boyfriend is visiting for only five days, but I know that Charles is understanding when it comes to work engagements.

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