Chapter 28: Belgian nights

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🎶 In The Night — The Weeknd 🎶

Oli and I had flown out to Brussels and then taken a train to Spa on Friday. Charles and I had planned to have dinner together since he would have to call it an early night tomorrow. Oli said that he had no problem in being left behind alone in the hotel and that we should enjoy our evening together.

Charles was not happy with today's free practice results, finishing 14th and 15th. He complained the car lacked pace, which was such a strong contrast to last year, where he was the race winner.

Charles had chosen a restaurant a bit outside of the circuit area, in order not to be spotted by fans or journalists.
"How was London?" he asked me.
"Good, I managed to do lots of stuff before work starts on Monday. Met with some old friends and Val, and reorganized my room a bit." I leant forward and added more quietly: "I have a new bed that we definitely have to inaugurate."
Charles' face lit up with a mischievous smile and he replied: "Oh, then we definitely have to practice tonight."
My cheeks flushed and I was immediately turned on - he had that effect on me.
"Take off your panties." he said grinning.
"What?! Here? Are you crazy, there are others here, including children!" I replied shocked.
"Oh, come on, live a little" he said with a seductive voice.
I knew I could not resist him.
I turned my head a bit left and right to check if there were people paying attention, but everyone was either seated far enough from us or was too engrossed in a conversation that they would not have noticed.
I bent down a bit, as if to check a strap on my shoe and tried to shimmy down my underwear as unsuspiciously as I could. I saw Charles' hand stretched out under the table and put my panties in his hand.
He put them in his jacket's pocket and then he whispered: "I have not even touched you and they were already soaked."
I pressed my legs together, but I knew that this dinner would be torturously long.

When we had finished dinner we walked out to Charles' Ferrari for this weekend, where we both took our seats. My boyfriend waited to start the engine and looked at me. I looked back at him and within a second I had seated myself on his lap, where I could already feel him getting hard. Our make-out session was so hot, that the car's panes were completely misted by the time I started riding his dick. When we both came you could not see anything outside. While I positioned me back on my seat and tried to clean up me and the car the best I could with some tissues I had found in my purse by chance, Charles pulled down the windows to try and get a view through the glass again.

When he finally started driving I realized that we were not taking the route back to the hotel, so I asked Charles where we were going.
"Fancy a late night walk?" he asked while winking.
"Sure!" I said with a grin. I wanted to savor every moment I could get of us alone on this weekend. It would be gone way too fast.

We were going to the race track! Although everything seemed closed because it was so late. Charles pulled up to a gate where there was a guardian standing. When he recognized the car he opened up the gate and Charles pulled down the window to thank him. We parked the car and when we had stepped outside the car my boyfriend took my hand and held it very tight. I knew what was coming. After a short walk we found ourselves on the track. We were in the middle of it and started walking down the circuit. He explained to me a bit how he has to handle his car in the various turns and that it's one of the best circuits on the calendar. When we passed the finish line we walked straight until the first corner and then the road got steep - we were walking up to Eau Rouge. Charles slowed down and walked me to the barrier where Anthoine had crashed. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and on Charles' too.
After a while I broke the silence asking: "It can happen anytime, right?"
"Yes, yes, it can. It does not matter how good you are. You lose control for one second and everything can be over." he admitted quietly.
I nodded and appreciated his honesty. I did not want him to reassure me that it would not happen to him, because he does not know this.
He pulled me into a tight side hug while we stood there continuing to watch the barrier, as if Anthoine would somehow appear alive out of it.
After a while Charles looked at his watch and sighed: "We have to go now Mary."
Slowly he took my hand again and we walked back to the car. The guardian was still standing there and Charles went up to him to thank him for his generosity.

Back in the car, Charles kissed me and whispered: "Thanks for coming, Mary. I did not want to go during the day with all cameras on me, but I also did not want to go alone in the night. So thank you, for being here for me."
Thank God I had done the right thing by coming here.

When we arrived back to our hotel room, we quickly changed and went to bed, falling asleep in a tight embrace.

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