Chapter 132: The Spanish GP 2022

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🎶 Hotel Walls - Acoustic Version — Smith & Tell 🎶

The weekend hadn't exactly gone how I had imagined and I really hoped that Charles wasn't drifting away from our relationship because of the championship pressure he was putting himself under. In my opinion, it wasn't a good pressure that made him thrive, but more of a self-destructive one. So I really hoped for a good result in Barcelona that would pull him out of his hole and make him arrive in a good mood to his home GP the week after.

In the meantime, I had gotten some answers to my applications for law/financial firms/consulting companies etc. in or near Monaco. With my UK qualification I wouldn't be allowed to practice EU law, which meant that I could advise clients only on UK domestic law or public international law. Because of that, I only got a handful of job interviews, but still more than I had expected. In total, I had seven appointments that I scheduled all in the first week of June. While writing them in my calendar, I also realised that my birthday was on Sunday of the Monaco GP. I really, really hoped that we would be able to celebrate not only my birthday and not mope around like last year.

Carmen and I met at Heathrow on Friday and as we still had a bit of time before boarding, we went to grab a coffee.
"How is Charles? I read about his crash last weekend..." Carmen asked cautiously.
"Yeah - not great. He's incredibly tense and that has kind of strained our relationship. I really hope that he leaves with a positive result before facing Monaco next week..." I sighed.
"Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that - but if someone will get through this, it's you two. Charles loves you so much." Carmen said, trying to cheer me up.
"I hope you're right. Are your parents coming again this weekend?" I asked and tried to change the subject.
"Yes! And my brother too, they can't wait to see you again. They're very offended that you haven't come to visit us in Mallorca yet!" she joked.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry, I really hope to make it sometime though!" I said.
"Ah, don't worry" she chuckled.

We arrived in Barcelona very late and it didn't surprise me to find Charles already asleep. After I got ready for bed, I cuddled myself into him, whispering an 'I love you' into his ear.

Charles had topped both practice sessions on Friday and he was in high spirits for Quali Day on Saturday morning. We rode to the track together, where we were greeted by photographers and many, many Ferrari fans. It was Carlos' home race, which obviously attracted lots of people cheering for the red team. I watched the third practice session with Carmen and her family at the Paddock Club and they were delighted that I joined them. Charles set the fastest time yet again, raising hopes for a Grand Slam.

I met him back at the Ferrari motorhome after his briefing with the engineers.
"How are you feeling?" I asked and hugged him from the side.
"Very good, the car feels amazing on this track, let's hope to maintain the same feeling in Quali now" he said happily and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Good luck and try to get back in one piece" I said and gave him a kiss before he disappeared again to get ready.

"Good luck and try to get back in one piece" I said and gave him a kiss before he disappeared again to get ready

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📍 Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
mary.wright98 Spanish GP 🇪🇸🌶️☀️🏎️

carlossainz55 🌶️🌶️🌶️
oli_wright_one_and_only Once again forgotten at home
Replying to oli_wright_one_and_only:
mary.wright98 Punishment for forgetting to clean the toilet seat
claire.bear Loveee the dress 😍😍
patriciommundt 🇪🇸😎

Arthur joined me to watch Quali in the Ferrari garage. His first race today didn't really go well, so we both hoped that Charles would save the day with a good result. Q1 and Q2 went according to plan for both drivers. Charles started his opening lap in Q3 and spun out, which led to him aborting the first attempt. Fortunately, he managed to set a great time in his second one and Max wasn't able to top that result due to a mechanical issue on his car. Carlos set the third fastest time for tomorrow's grid. The garage was happy with the result and everybody applauded when the session finished.

But we all knew that the job would have to be finished tomorrow and today meant nothing in terms of points and championship. Nonetheless, Charles was in a great mood when he returned from his media duties. In the evening, we had a quick dinner near the Barcelona beach and it felt so good and washed all my fears away.
"Soooo, I have seven job interviews coming up - I really hope that I'll get at least one offer" I said happily.
"Seven! That's great! You expected less - see, everyone wants to have my brilliant girlfriend" Charles replied.
"Yeah, not everyone, I still had fifteen rejections and other ten that never answered. But I am trying to be positive" I said.
"Their loss. You'll do great, plus I will wait for you at home and cook you a delicious meal!" he said excitedly.
"Please don't, or I won't be able to show up to any other interview because of diarrhoea" I said.
"Hey, have you ever had something bad to eat at mine?" he asked offended.
"That's because you only cooked eggs and one pasta 'carbonara', which was more of a British Carbonara by the way" I joked.
"Fine, I'll just order some pizza then." he said and raised his hands in defeat.

Charles woke up in his best mood on Sunday, ready to go racing, but we still had a few hours until the start of the race. We drove to the track and arrived late in the morning, with Charles having a few interviews and appointments. I met Isa and Carlos' family in the motorhome and stopped for a quick chat with them. Obviously, they were eager for Carlos' first race win which made things a bit awkward because I always wanted Charles to finish first, especially with him needing every championship point against Max now. I hoped that Ferrari had their priorities straight.

Before the race started, I wished my boyfriend good luck on the grid and gave him a quick kiss before disappearing in the garage to watch the race from there. Arthur was there too, after unfortunately yet another bad race finish. But bad luck was also on Charles' side today, with him having to retire on the 27th lap due to an engine failure. It was so disappointing and I just shook my head in disbelief. The weekend had been so great until now, why couldn't fate just let him finish his job?

When Charles arrived back in the garage, I waited for a moment to get to him to try and cheer him up. He was so beaten down, but accepted that these kind of things happened.
"They will figure out what it was and fix it, so that it won't happen again. It's just annoying as the pace was really good and we seemed to be on a roll today..." he sighed.
"Let's hope for better things in Monaco" I whispered and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

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