Chapter 124: Winner in the House

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🎶 God's Plan — Drake 🎶

Charles had returned to Monte-Carlo straight after Jeddah, to unpack and spend some days with his family. He was flying here to visit over the weekend and would then fly to Australia with the British boys.

I wanted to be able to relax this weekend and not think about all the work that I still had to do, so I really hung in there from Monday to Thursday and even did an all-nighter in order to finish everything up before Friday. Mr Gant admired my determination and I was happy that my boss was happy. Scrap happy wife, happy life, the truth is happy boss, happy life - trust me.

Friday finally rolled around and when Charles texted me that he was waiting downstairs for me, I packed my bag and raced downstairs faster than the speed of light. When I saw him standing in front of the Shard, I started running towards him and when I fell into his arms, he picked me up and swirled me around a few times before putting me down on the ground again and starting to kiss me.

While Charles was driving us to my home I said:
"I'm warning you now, Mum has gone all out for you, once again."
He laughed. "What did she do?"
"Oh, you'll see" I chuckled.
Mum had prepared a giant dinner again (obviously only after DM-ing with Andrea about it) and decorated the table with a red tablecloth and napkins. She had made seating cards with our names, except for Charles', there she wrote "Bahrain Race Winner woo-hoo". I was a bit embarrassed, but my boyfriend loved it and continued to thank her for the food and everything.

On Saturday, we went to the Bridge to see the Blues take on Brentford and as my parents were visiting friends, we gave their tickets to Alex and Lily, who both weren't huge football fans, but were happy to spend an afternoon with us.
"How does it feel to be back in an F1 car?" I asked Alex.
"So good, I'm so relieved that everything worked out and I really hope that I can drag that Williams to some points this year" he said.
The game was the worst though, after the break we finally scored a goal, but then it all went downhill and Brentford managed to get four balls in the net, leaving us with a huge loss at home. Alex and Lily were very entertained by my desperation.

After the match, we went out to dinner with George and Carmen and Lando was even there with his girlfriend, who we hoped to finally get to know better. The girls sat all on one end of the table and the boys on the other. We chatted a lot about our relationships, our plans for the future and so on. It was really good to talk to other girls living in your same relationship situation. The food was also great and we left the restaurant full and happy.

On the way home, I told Charles about our girls conversation: "You know, I kind of have the impression that neither Lando, nor Luisa are actually taking their relationship really serious. I mean, they think they are, but it just seems to me that they are both living their lives completely separately and when they have time for each other they meet up and it's nice, but they have no plan or whatsoever for a future together..."
"I got the same impression from our boys talk, but it was hard to tell if it was just because their relationship is so new that he isn't aware of a lot of challenges... George said like, you know, sometimes it's hard after a long day and the jet lag and stuff that you still have to find time for a phone call, but you do it nonetheless because you love the other and Lando was like oh, no, if he's tired then he goes to bed and she understands that but... if it goes on like that I doubt it will last long" Charles said, deep in thought.
"Well, if it goes well, I'm happy for them and if it doesn't he'll hopefully still learn something from it" I sighed.

On Sunday, Charles and I were having breakfast together quite late, when I asked him what he wanted to do today.
"You know, I thought you could show me your firm's office" my boyfriend said and grinned.
"What? Our office, really?" I chuckled.
"Yeah, I've only seen that one conference room and I'm interested in seeing how your office is structured as I've never actually worked in an one - like, walk me through your day, show me what you do, where you go for lunch and so on" he said excitedly.
"Ok, I didn't realise you were that interested in stuff like that, but let's do it" I laughed.
We both went upstairs to get dressed and I made sure to not forget all my key cards before we got going.

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