Chapter 35: Blue is the colour

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🎶 Overpass Graffiti — Ed Sheeran 🎶

I woke up the next day, held in a safe embrace by Charles' arms. I wished I could wake up every morning like this... My boyfriend gave me a light kiss on my temple and asked with a raw morning voice that made my hormones go wild: "Awake?"
"Mmhhm" I just said while nodding.

He started leaving kisses on my neck and his hands began to wander to my breasts. When he started playing with my nipples I instinctively pushed my bottom towards him, only to feel his hard-rock erection pressed against me. His hands continued going lower and suddenly he pushed two fingers inside of me and moved them in and out with a fast and steady pace that made me come immediately.

"I love it when I make you come" Charles whispered.
I kissed him and went lower until I found the hem of his pants which I pulled down quickly to start sucking him. When his breathing became heavier I started helping myself with my hand on his shaft. He pushed my head down lightly, going with my rhythm and poured himself into my mouth when he was finished.
"I love it when I make you come" I told him with a wink after having swallowed his product.

He just grinned and pulled me down to him to give me a kiss.
We both went to take a shower and got ready. We were having breakfast on the way because I did not want to offer Charles another calorie-filled English breakfast.

We went to a café where he got a porridge bowl and I had some waffles.
"So, what are we doing today?" Charles asked curiously.
"First, we are going to Harrod's, it's a must. Then, I have a surprise for you. And afterwards, we are going to Stamford Bridge." I said happily.
"What is Stamford Bridge?" Charles asked me.
"It's Chelsea's home stadium. All of my family are Chelsea fans and we have season tickets, and today they're playing Liverpool."
Charles laughed and asked: "So you know something about football?"
"Of course! Sundays were always football days in our family before you came around" I said with a wink.

We started our day at Harrod's where Charles had immediately found lots of stuff he wanted to buy. I managed to talk him out of some horrendous baggy t-shirts and he ended up buying a nice winter jacket and some pullovers.
While he was trying his stuff on, I had set my eyes on a Valentino bag, but immediately my hopes shattered after seeing the price tag. Unfortunately, Charles had spotted me and came straight my way.
"Do you want it?" he asked me.
"Yes, but I cannot afford it now." I said with a sad tone. "And you will definitely not buy it for me!" I said with a stern tone when I saw that Charles had asked the shop assistant to come our way.
"We are also taking this." he told him.
"Very well, Sir, I will put it to the checkout with your other things" the woman answered him.
I just looked at Charles with an angry face.
"I can afford it, I just need a few month's savings from my salary." I said angrily.
"And I know this, but I wanted to make you happy. So every time you wear that bag you will be reminded of your wonderful boyfriend who will probably be on the other side of the world." he said while giving me a kiss.
Ok, that was sweet, but also very sad. When will this come to an end? After my training? But where will I work then? Even if we decide to live in the same city, he will always be away... I shook off my thoughts and went to the register to thank my boyfriend, who was paying a horrendous amount of money for all of his stuff.
"Can you have it delivered at my address please? We will be around and don't want to take the bags with us." I asked the shop assistant at the register.
"Sure, just write it down for me here." she said politely and gave me a piece of paper.
I wrote down my address and we continued with our program.

"So, what is the surprise?" Charles asked me while we were on the tube.
"Lunch" I just said with a wide grin on my face.
Charles knew that I was not going to tell more and so he gave up and just followed my lead when we took the exit at Piccadilly Circus.
We walked for a few minutes until we stood in front of a big, old building.
"Welcome to the Royal Automobile Club!" I heard my friend who was just coming out of the building.
Charles looked at me and his face lit up.
"Henry, it's so good to see you again. Scotland feels ages away. Thanks for making this possible" I said while greeting Oli's friend.
Charles and him shook hands and we made our way inside.
"So, Henry is a member at the Royal Automobile Club and has agreed to give us a small tour and invite us for lunch here."
"Obviously, I have never given a tour to such a high-profile guest, so I am a bit nervous myself" Henry said and laughed.
Charles just patted him on the shoulder and I could see that he was very happy.

Henry showed us a few of the historic cars that the Club is keeping, even a few race cars, and him and Charles chatted about the various types of engines. I had given up following their conversation a while ago and just enjoyed the architecture. The Club also had some squash courts and a swimming pool, which we were able to see.

When we walked into the restaurant, Charles was recognized immediately and had to stop for a few pictures and some small conversations. At some point, we were able to have lunch together and had a really good time.

Afterwards, we bid our goodbyes to Henry, because we had to get to the stadium.

When we arrived at Stamford Bridge, I immediately guided Charles to our seats in the middle of the blue fan block.
"No VIP tickets?" he looked at me and laughed.
"Never, this is a football game! It's all about the atmosphere!" I replied with a huge grin.
"Who are the best players?" my boyfriend asked me.
"Kepa is a great keeper! Reece James is great, I'm a huge fan, and we have two new signings this year from Germany, Havertz and Werner, they seem quite promising." I explained.
"What about Mason Mount?" Charles asked me.
I turned my head and looked at him with a curious face. "You know Mount?"
"Oh, he just seems to be the girls' favorite, so maybe you're a fan too?" he asked me with a wink.
"Mount is good. He's still very young and I think he needs this season to get settled into this team. I have never looked at footballers that way, I was always such a huge fan that I am more impressed by quality than looks." I told him with a straight face.

The game went from bad to worse. In the first half, we got a red card for Christensen and in the second half Liverpool scored two goals. Jorginho even missed a penalty for us and I just wanted to leave.
"Do you look like this when you watch me race too?" Charles asked in an amused tone.
I just shot him a look at which he laughed, even more amused.

We ended up leaving the Bridge with two very different moods: me, very pissed off, and Charles, very amused because of my behaviour.

On our way home, Charles suddenly stopped and took my head in his hands.
"'Mary, I love you. I love you when you laugh, and I love you when you are pissed off because of football. I love you when you run with me and I love you when you persuade me to eat a fat English breakfast with you. I love all of you and thank you for these wonderful days." he said while looking me straight in the eyes.
"I love you too, Charles. Thank you for coming to visit me, it means a lot." I said and gave him a long kiss.

Come Back...Be Here - Charles LeclercTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon