Chapter 110: A Magic Weekend

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🎶 Midnight City — M83 🎶

After dinner, Charles and I got changed and drove to Mayfair. Charles decided to drive, to not be tempted to drink and be well-rested as he still had to work out tomorrow morning. We arrived at the club and told the bouncer Alice's name and he let us in. We found her at a table with some other friends of hers, some of whom I already knew. We had a great evening out and as agreed, we were at home by one.

📍 Maison EstelleTagged: charles_leclercf1wags Charles and Mary out in London tonight!

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📍 Maison Estelle
Tagged: charles_leclerc
f1wags Charles and Mary out in London tonight!

user1 I want what they have 😭
ferrarigirl101 Wowww that club is like super exclusive 😳
Replying to ferrarigirl101:
user2 Well he's a celebrity, what did you expect? 😅

Even though I only had two drinks, I heavily regretted them the next morning. As I wanted to be a supportive girlfriend and wanted to spend as much time as possible with Charles, I had agreed to go to the gym with him.
I was only three kilometers in on the treadmill and still had seven to go, but was already feeling like someone was stabbing me in the stomach with every step I took. But it payed off in the end, and I felt energized for the day ahead.

"What are we doing today?" Charles asked after we had gotten back home and showered.
"We're going to the Harry Potter Studio tour" I said and grinned proudly.
"Amazing! You are always spot on with your decisions." he said and sent me a chef's kiss.
"I try my best since you're not really a culture freak. I'd love to go to the opera sometime but I fear that you will fall asleep after five minutes..." I chuckled.
"The opera?" he said and laughed.
"Yeah, or a ballet, the Nutcracker is like a Christmas classic..." I replied.
"The ballet?" he said and looked at me with the same funny expression as before.
"Just forget it" I said and laughed.

We had a cracking day at the tour and Charles was absolutely hilarious, fangirling over props and stage sets. At the souvenir shop we had a huge disagreement about which houses we were in. Charles insisted on being a Ravenclaw because he was 'so clever', while I definitely thought he was a Hufflepuff. On the other hand, I am convinced I am a Gryffindor, while he said I was a Ravenclaw for sure too.

 On the other hand, I am convinced I am a Gryffindor, while he said I was a Ravenclaw for sure too

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📍 Warner Bros. Studio Tour London
charles_leclerc Not many things are certain in life, but one thing is that I am a Ravenclaw

ferrarigirl101 He is adorable 🥺
georgerussell63 Definitely not, you're a Hufflepuff 😂😂😂
Replying to georgerussell63:
mary.wright.98 YES THANK YOU
scuderiaferrari We think you're a Gryffindor! ❤️
oli_wright_one_and_only I knew that you hit your head as a child, otherwise you wouldn't date my sister, but this is now the ultimate proof - dude, you're a Hufflepuff
Replying to oli_wright_one_and_only:
mary.wright.98 WTF Oli?!
arthur_leclerc We need to save you from your brother and make you a Leclerc asap
Replying to arthur_leclerc:
f1wags 👀👀👀👀
leclerc_support what is going on 👀👀👀
dailymail 👀👀👀👀

"You should definitely tell your brother to not spark any engagement rumours, I think your fan base is going crazy right now" I chuckled as we were back at home, getting ready for Claire and William's engagement party tonight.
"Yeah, he never thinks before he types" Charles laughed.

Charles was very much the star guest of the night, with William introducing him to every single one of his friends. Charles was also letting loose and had had one or two drinks already. Seeing him having fun made me also happy and I couldn't help but drool over how good he looked.

 Seeing him having fun made me also happy and I couldn't help but drool over how good he looked

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📍 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
Tagged: charles_leclerc
mary.wright.98 Celebrating love ❤️ william_stuart97 & claire.bear 💍

alicebecket Cute 😍😘
william_stuart97 Thanks for celebrating with us!
carmenmmundt ❤️❤️❤️
charles_leclerc My 👸🏼

Even though we made it home late, we somehow managed to wake up at a decent time on Sunday and drove up to Oxford. I couldn't wait to show Charles around the town that I had called home for four years.
"We're actually doing a bit more Harry Potter sightseeing today too" I told him.
"Really?" he asked me curiously.
"Mhm, some parts of the movies were shot there at different locations and my College's dining hall was basically the inspiration for the Great Hall set that we visited yesterday" I explained.
"That's cool! I didn't know that! So you basically had dinner every evening in the Great Hall" Charles said enthusiastically.
"Nope, I actually chose breakfast and lunch. Dinner I either ordered in or went to the pub round the corner from my dorm or went to my friend Ahmed, the kebab guy. We have to visit him today."
"Was he your uni crush?" Charles teased me.
"Nope, that was my Criminal Law professor" I chuckled.
"A professor? You naught, naughty girl" Charles chuckled.
"Nah, I wasn't naughty at all during uni. I was so boring, always studying, thank God you met me when I was done with that" I chuckled.
"You are not boring at all." he said and kissed my hand.

We started our tour of Oxford at my Alma Mater, Christ Church College. I was able to show him lots of the parts not admitted to the public, as I had an alumni card. Students were bustling around everywhere as there were only a few more weeks until winter break. The atmosphere was amazing and I loved being back there. We went to visit Ahmed for lunch and I had the usual kebab I always had while Charles took one without onions. Ahmed was delighted to see me and was pretty honoured to meet Charles. They took a picture together and he said that he would hang it on his shop window for everyone to see.

In the afternoon, we shortly went down to the river and saw a few rowing teams exercising before going to the Randolph Hotel for high tea, which was definitely needed after all the walking we did.
"You know, this was a rare treat having tea here" I reminisced.
"Huh? Why?" Charles asked.
"My parents held me on a short leash and didn't give me lots of allowance, so I had to be very careful on what to spend my money. Textbooks were already super expensive and there wasn't a lot left after subtracting money for groceries." I explained.
"I didn't imagine your parents being so strict on that, I mean, they definitely would have been able to give you more, I guess" he said.
"Definitely. But they were super strict on that, with both Oli and me. They paid all of our uni fees and said that we should concentrate on studying. If we wanted to have more money, we had to work. I did a few waitress or hostess jobs here and there at uni events when I wanted to fund a holiday or a weekend away with friends... It was a great life lesson though, I learned what it meant to work to get money and I wouldn't change that with my kids" I said.
"Oh but if we ever have a girl, I will definitely spoil her. You can keep the boys on a short leash" Charles joked.
"If they are like you, they will become overpaid, rich racing drivers too" I chuckled.

We finished off our day with a dinner at Quod and made our way back to London afterwards.

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