Chapter 58: A proposal

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🎶 Tiny Dancer — Taron Egerton 🎶

🎶 Tiny Dancer — Taron Egerton 🎶

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tagged: chris.greeeeeen
val.the.great Yes, yes, yes to a lifetime with you!! ❤️❤️

mary.wright.98 Future Mrs Green 🥺🥺
anniewoods We need an Oxford Girls Réunion asap!!!! Congrats 💖💖💖
charles_leclerc Congratulations guys!!

"I still cannot quite believe it" Val said with shimmering eyes.
We were having lunch together in the City after our respective Valentine's Day getaways.
Christian had prepared a romantic countryside weekend with my help and on Sunday morning they took a hot air balloon to watch the morning sunset where he popped the big question.
"You don't think it's too soon, right? We have been only dating for half a year..." she said, deep in thought.
"And have been friends for four years before that. You both have a clear view for your future together and you both know that you want to spend the rest of your lives with each other, so why wait?" I answered and put my hand reassuringly on hers.
"You are right" she answered and smiled at me. "Can you see Charles and you get engaged soon?"
"No way. We are very happy but, you know, we are kind of living our separate lives next to each other, we still need to take that step forward with sharing our lives and really living them together, I guess that will be when we move in together..." I explained.
"Whoa, I just realised that you will be moving away... Like, really away, to another country and stuff" she said excitedly.
"Ugh, I try not to think about it, I love London way too much!!" I said, making a fake sad face but laughing after a few seconds.

Unfortunately, I had to go back to work and bid my goodbyes to Val, promising to sit down together an evening to start wedding planning.
Tonight would also be mine and Charles' last night together in London, since he had to go to Maranello the next few days for press and media stuff as well as some last updates on the new car. Then he would be going back to Monaco for a week, since it would also be the anniversary of his father's passing and he would have to leave for Bahrain just a few days later. I was gutted that our safe bubble was coming to an end and our relationship would have to face the harsh reality of Charles' season, but I really wanted to try to make it to as many European races as possible, even if that would not really be quality time with my boyfriend but just going to work with him. I had to giggle at the thought of Charles going to work with me and watching me work on my computer all day.

We had decided to just spend the evening together at his flat, ordering Chinese food and turning on a movie that we would not be watching anyways.

"Only five and a half weeks to go until our next date night" Charles sighed and sat down on the sofa next to me.
I threw my head back and groaned. "Don't tell me... Plus, time difference when you're going to be in Asia" I mumbled while cuddling into his chest.
"We will manage somehow." he reassured me and placed a kiss on my head.
We looked each other deep in the eyes before be both closed the gap between us. Charles quickly took me by my waist and positioned me on himself so that I was now straddling him. His hands started to wander up and down my body before making their way to the front of my blouse and unbuttoning it. I needed him and wanted him to move on faster, but on the other hand I wanted to savor every moment before I would not be seeing him for five weeks.

We made our way to his bedroom where we discarded our last pieces of clothing. I laid myself on his bed and Charles positioned himself over me and started moving into me. He lowered himself down to me and kissed me while we were both chasing our highs. We were so close and I felt so safe that I never wanted this moment to end.

When I woke up the next morning I found Charles' side on the bed empty. For a moment I panicked that he would have left without saying goodbye, but then I heard some pans clattering in the kitchen accompanied by some angry French words. I took my last outfit out of the drawer I had stored some stuff in and put it on, while packing the rest of yesterday's clothing in a weekender bag.

I made my way to the living room where I already saw Andrea sitting at the dining table.
"Buongiorno Mary" he said and smiled at me.
"Hello Andrea, I hope you slept well" I said and smiled back.
"I am just happy that I will not have to share my nights with a couple next door" he chuckled.
I threw him a joking glare and went to the kitchen where my boyfriend was apparently trying to do something with eggs.
"What is going on in here?" I chuckled.
"I was trying to do some Eggs Benedict for you, you told me that's your favorite way to have your egg." he said, looking a bit frustrated.
"Oh darling, I can't even manage one, don't worry about it, I'll just have them scrambled like yours" I said and pecked his lips.

After breakfast, the boys packed all their stuff together and I was astonished as to how much luggage two men could be traveling with.
"I never want to hear that I have too much stuff from you" I told Charles while we were getting in the van that was driving them to the airport and me to work.

I was never so thankful for morning traffic as today, since it meant I could spend a few extra minutes holding my boyfriend's hand and just being close to him. But every chapter had an end and we reached the Shard. Charles got outside with me quickly while closing the door of the car behind him.

"Phone calls every morning and evening on your commute while I'm in Europe, then Bahrain is three hours time difference, but we surely can manage some calls in the evenings?" he looked at me decisively.
"We sure can, I will be out of the office at a pretty reasonable time, so we will work it out." I said and kissed him.
"And good luck with your new teammate!" I said while he was already getting back into the car.
"Je t'aime Mary" I heard him yell out of the car while I was nearly at the entrance. I just laughed and turned my head in time to see the van turn around a corner.

 I just laughed and turned my head in time to see the van turn around a corner

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Tagged: charles_leclerc

mary.wright.98 ❤️

val.the.great I love you guys 🥲
arthur_leclerc Finally I will have him back
landonorris Love it that Charles is turning into a Brit 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Replying to landonorris:
charles_leclerc I am not
Replying to landonorris and charles_leclerc:
mary.wright.98 Maybe not a Brit, but a Blue for sure 💙💙💙
Replying to mary.wright.98:
georgerussell63 🥴🥴🥴

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