Chapter 88: Don't mess with lawyers

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🎶 Stronger — Kanye West 🎶

📍 London, Englandwagsf1 Charles and Mary photographed today at a lawyer's office 👀

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📍 London, England
wagsf1 Charles and Mary photographed today at a lawyer's office 👀

ferrarigirl101 This is getting interesting 👀
user1 They still look very much together
user2 Did he cheat or not????

Charles and I arrived at 7.50 in front of Conference Room 3 and were now waiting for Mia and the PR guy from Charles' management, since Mia was only there on behalf of Ferrari and not for Charles' private matters.
"Miss Wright?" I turned around to see Mrs Stevens, my boss. "Mr Collins told me about your appointment. Please know that I am more than happy to give you today off, if you need it."
"Thank you very much Mrs Stevens, but that won't really be necessary. After our appointment I will get to my desk for work. This really is more about Mr Leclerc than me. By the way, Mrs Stevens, this is Mr Leclerc, Mr Leclerc, this is Mrs Stevens, my supervising partner." I said in a professional tone.
"Pleasure to meet you Mr Leclerc, I wish you all the best for your case. And as for you, Miss Wright, as you wish, just let me know if you change your mind." she replied.
"Thanks Mrs Stevens, you are very kind" I said and she gave us a smile before going to the lifts.

"Mr Leclerc? So formal?" Charles chuckled.
"You're here as a client, not as my boyfriend, and since I work here I have to treat you as a client." I replied and smiled.
"I think you need something to release a bit of your tension" he whispered while leaning into me.

"Charles, here you are, hello Mary, my Silverstone week has just started so much earlier than planned" Mia had arrived and had thankfully dissolved the sexual tension that Charles had just wanted to build up.
"Mr Leclerc, I'm Jean-Pierre Dubois from Mr Todt's agency, I'll be representing us in this case. You must be Mary" he said and turned to me.
"Actually, it's Miss Wright, pleasure to meet you" I replied and shook his hand.
Charles had to stifle a laugh and Mia looked at me with a funny expression.
"Sorry, but I work here and we are on a last-name basis with our clients and it would just come off as a bit weird if you called me by my first name" I tried to explain.
"Say no more, thanks for arranging this meeting and finding this lawyer, I read the most impressive things about him on Google" Mia said.

"Well, if that isn't a compliment" we heard a voice say and turned around to see Michael with Mr Collins. "Please, if we could all sit down" he added after shaking hands with everyone.
"So, explain the situation to me"
Mia, Mr Dubois, Charles and me all opened our mouths at the same time, but when they turned to me they decided to let me do the talking.
I explained the events in the most professional manner I could manage and pointed out some substantial precedent cases to back up our case.
Mr Collins listened and asked a few questions to each of us, especially about the damages that Charles had sustained or could possibly sustain to his image.
Michael had brought the article from the tabloid that broke the news and showed it to him. Suddenly, Mr Collins laughed. "This is it? Just this picture and that text? I'll happily take on your case, this will be easy, I'll expect to have a settlement by tomorrow if you sign your mandate contract with me now."

Even I was baffled that Mr Collins thought this would be easy, but hey, he was the expert in this field, not me. There was a bit of confusion about who should sign the mandate contract, if it should be Charles, Ferrari or his management.
"If you allow me Mr Collins, Miss Wright, image-wise it would be the best, in my opinion, if Mr Leclerc signed it, showing that he took this matter into his own hands and stood up personally against the press instead of letting someone else handle it" Michael said.
Both Mr Collins and I nodded, apparently having thought the same thing.
"Ok, I'll sign it" Charles said and after a quick look at the paper he put his signature at the bottom.

"Great. We are happy to be at your services Mr Leclerc and will keep you updated. How long will you be in London for?" Mr Collins asked and shook my boyfriend's hand.
"I'll have to leave tonight, but I will be back here on Wednesday for the race in Silverstone" he replied.
"Yes, because he will be awarded the Bandini Trophy tomorrow. In Maranello. Ferrari's hometown. For PR purposes, do you think you'll have a result already that we can put out a statement before the award ceremony? It kind of looks bad to be called a cheater on one day and be awarded a trophy the next day" Mia said.
"We will try our best to give you something to say tomorrow" Mr Collins replied and shook her hand too.

I mouthed a 'Thanks' to Michael as he was exiting the room behind his boss.
"So Mary, I'll see you tomorrow then" Mia said and was also ready to get out.
"Erm, what is tomorrow?" I asked confusedly.
"The trophy award ceremony?" Mia said looking at me confused too.
"But I am working tomorrow?" I looked at her questioningly.
"Mary, you need to come. It will be great press if we manage to get this press settlement statement out and then you appear there together. Then you'll go to Silverstone with all smiley faces and everything will be forgotten in a few days" she said and clapped her hands.

"Fine, I'll see if I can work remotely tomorrow" I sighed.
Charles took my hand, squeezed it and said "Thank you so much".
I smiled at him and also squeezed his hand.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow then" she said and disappeared at the lifts.
"I'm saying goodbye as well" Mr Dubois said and shook both our hands.

"Come on, let's get some lunch and then I'll get back to work" I said, seeing that it was already past 12 on my watch. The meeting lasted a lot longer than I had thought.

We got to the pub around the corner and sat down at a table for two in the back.
"I just can't wait until this is all over and the summer break comes around" Charles sighed.
"Same. This whole stress now has completely worn me out. I can't wait to get away from all of it." I replied. "Do you think Val will marry him?" I added.
"Honestly, I don't know. I'm so shocked at the behaviour of both of them. For her sake, I hope she does not go through with it. It wasn't just some flirting, he would have gone all the way with her if I hadn't stopped him."
I shuddered at the thought. "Poor Val. Do you think I should try reaching out to her again?"
"Mary, don't get me wrong, but I think we should put our energies now in getting our relationship back on track. I don't want your name getting dragged through every newspaper and I want the tabloids to leave you alone. But if you think your instinct tells you that you should talk to her, do it."
"No, you're right. I have to prioritize us. Thanks to her idiot fiancé we're going through a whole lot of trouble. Let's focus on us, she is old enough to survive without me."

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