Chapter 5: Meeting Him*

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🎶 Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby — Cigarettes After Sex 🎶

As soon as Val and I closed the door of our hotel room behind us, Val took my hands and started jumping and shrieking. I didn't know what was going on and just looked at her very weirded out.
Val noticed my look and giggled.
"Christian asked me out on a date tonight. I am so, so happy! I thought he would only be a hookup but we get along well and I really think he could be boyfriend material. Are you mad? Of course you are, I thought of leaving you behind, no I am going to tell him all three of us are going to dinner." she squealed and brabbled, with me needing a minute to understand everything she was saying.

She was ready to storm out of the room but I managed to grab her arm in time.
"Val, I'm happy for you. Christian seems like a good guy and he treats you well. Of course you'll go on your date!" I encouraged her.
"But what will you do? I think it's unfair to leave you behind..." she muttered.
I started seeing no way out of her cancelling her date, so I told her the only thing that could convince her to leave me alone:
"You know what? I'll go to the hotel bar and look for a pretty man for the night."
Val looked at me incredulously, I wasn't an extrovert hooking up with random strangers. But she thankfully seemed to buy it, however insisting on choosing my outfit for the night.

We got ready together in our bathroom and Val chose a dress, slightly out of my usual comfort zone, but I decided to give it a try, because in the end, I was just on holidays here in Europe where no one knew me and I'd never see anyone again anyways.

At 8PM, we made our way downstairs and parted ways, with Val walking outside to Christian and his car while I headed towards the bar, which was surprisingly empty. Most of the people here for the race weekend had probably already left since it was Monday again tomorrow. I ordered a Mojito and was getting my money out to pay when I heard a sexy French accent on my right. My sexy French accent.
"Please put the lady's orders on my tab for tonight, she is my guest." the somewhat familiar voice said.

The bartender nodded before turning to another guest to take his order. I turned to Charles and was again smitten by his looks. He was a very, very handsome man, however he was looking slightly distracted.
"Come on, 8th place and a retirement from the race may not have been the best of results, but at least it can only get better for the driver who retired, right?" I joked but quickly realised how ridiculous this must have sounded with me having absolutely no clue of this business.

He looked at me even more confused than he already did this morning but then he grinned at me.
"Yeah, it can only get better. I just.., came here to forget about today with some drinks, will you join me?" he asked and my heart was fluttering wildly at his flirty tone.
"I do. I mean I will." I stammered. Fuck, Mary, this isn't your wedding.

"So... Mary, tell me about your life, you already seem to know about mine" he chuckled, a funny expression on his face.
"Errrm... ok, so... I just graduated from Oxford. Law. In September I'm starting my traineeship in London to become a fully qualified lawyer in two years' time. I'm currently on a journey through Europe with my best friend from uni, Val. We were in Paris before coming here. Her... um... the guy she's kinda seeing, Christian, got us tickets for the race because his brother Daniel works for F1. I have an incredibly tedious brother and great parents I get along with very well. I play tennis and rowed in the Oxford women's team." I brabbled, hoping to not have bored him.

Charles seemed to be very interested in my rowing activities and asked me all about the annual regatta between Oxford and Cambridge, which he told me he had heard about and would love to attend someday but somehow it always collided with his work plans and he didn't really know anywhere from there. It got later and later and we consumed more drinks and even took some shots together while laughing and talking about all sorts of stuff.

At some point, I didn't know what got into me, but I gathered up all my courage and put my hand on his thigh before leaning closer towards him. He looked down at my hand and shut his eyes, almost in defeat.
"You have no idea what you do to me." he whispered as our lips seemingly only moved closer and closer. Those words spoken in that sexy French accent were exactly the fuel I needed. I couldn't recognise myself as my hand wandered up higher, closer to his jeans' zipper when I heard a quiet moan escape his lips. We were both so drunk and horny.

"Let's get out of here." he whispered, speaking those magic words. As we stood up, he intertwined my hand with his and dragged me to the lobby, where he gave the receptionist a signal that apparently meant to call us a taxi, because only a few minutes later, one rolled up in front of the entrance. In the car, the sexual tension got only thicker and also the driver, an old Austrian man, noticed and just grinned to himself. Thank God I'd never have to see this man again. Charles put his hand on my thigh and let it wander up slowly. I couldn't bear it anymore, every inch of myself wanted to throw myself at him.

As soon as we arrived, I jumped out of the taxi while Charles paid the driver. He caught up to me and we walked silently inside his hotel and to the lift. Both of us didn't know what to say and I was afraid that maybe he had changed his mind about this. The elevator arrived and as soon as we got inside and the doors closed he looked at me before pushing me back and beginning to kiss me. My gosh, that man could kiss. My hands roamed over his back and torso and I wanted to go lower but was interrupted by the Ding of the lift, signaling that we had arrived to Charles' floor.

He took my hand, and guide me towards his room before closing its door again behind him. I turned towards him again and looked up quite expectantly before he we continued kissing me again. He pushed me onto his bed and skilfully slipped off my dress. My body's response was to arch my back to meet his body and with my arms crossed behind his neck, I pulled him down on me. I turned us over and started unbuttoning his shirt while sitting on the bulb he had in his trousers.

I lowered myself down and started leaving kisses from his torso down to the button of his trousers. I looked up at him and he was out of breath whispering "Mary... Please". I obliged and took off the trousers and his pants. I was surprised and shocked by what I was greeted. I didn't have a lot of sexual partners and he was definitely the biggest guy I had ever seen. I wondered if it would hurt more or if it would even fit?
Charles seemed to read my thoughts and said: "Don't worry. I'll go slow... At first" and smirked at me. I smirked back and he pulled me to him to kiss me slowly and deeply. He interrupted the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "We are both intoxicated but we both want this, right?" I looked at him and said "I do. We do." Again. Mary, this wasn't your wedding!

Charles kissed me again quickly before turning to his nightstand, from where he took out a condom which he pulled over his length. I took his face in my hands and kissed him again while he positioned himself between me and entered me slowly. I hissed and he stopped moving until I moved my hips up to meet him. After this, his thrusts only got deeper and faster, giving me the greatest pleasure I ever had in my life.

After a while, he looked down at me and panted: "Fuck... Cherie... I'm going to come... Are you close?"
I almost came from the name he called me alone and managed to answer: "Me too... Soon"
He thrusted into me even harder, sending us both over the edge with that. He collapsed on me, kissing my temple and then got up to discard his condom.
He laid down next to me again when he returned and wrapped his arms around as he whispered: "Dream of me."
Oh my. I really could get used to this but I shouldn't.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 05 ⏰

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