I'm not drunk!/Chapter 1

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It's another day, Scaramouche is fighting with his enemies like always. He seems to be kinda annoyed, his past always brings him down in some way. While fighting, someone appears behind him. It seems to be Kazuha, the one who is always looking for peace, wanting the world to be a better place, with no fights, no misunderstandings, no complains. Of course, Kazuha was annoyed by the fact that Scara kept fighting, after telling him a lot not to, but what could he do, right? Kazuha was always trying to make Scara a more peaceful person, less agressive. Even tough, Scara hated him, and he couldn't stand Kazuha being annoying everyday that they see each other. Kazuha seemed to enjoy talking with Scara, even tough that he was pissed of hearing what Scara says, sometimes it was annoying, but still, Kazuha couldn't deny that he wanted to be friends with Scaramouche.

"Hello Scaramouche, what are you doing? Fighting is not a good way to mantain peace." Kazuha said that with an annoyed accent, as he looked at Scaramouche fighting.

"Hmph, what a stupid opinion. War is a game that brings excitement, and excitement is what makes life worth living."
He stopped the fight for a second and he looked at Kazuha, surely annoyed by his comment.

"You find exciting, killing people? I don't think so."

"I have no desire to argue with someone with an inferior mind. Go back to watering your plants if you don't like violence."
Scara stared at Kazuha with an angry expression while saying that.

"Watering my plants is way better than watching you fight, that's not good for the world."
Kazuha seemed kinda annoyed by the fact that Scara was denying everything he said, even so, he tried to convince him.

"The world is not my problem. I can do whatever I want." Scaramouche said that with an annoyed stare.

"Well, it should be."

"Should be, but isn't, so I don't care."

"You will regret it later, Scara." Kazuha tried to convince Scara once again.

"I doubt it. I don't regret anything." - Scara said that with a little bit of anger, he couldn't stand Kazuha's stupid comments anymore.

"Everything has their first time, will you stop fighting or will you keep using that violence with no reason?!" Kazuha seemed to get a little bit stressed.

"The reason is my own amusement, I won't stop for no reason."

"Ok then..." He sighed.

"Hmph, you're not even worth my time."
Scaramouche rolled his eyes, and looked back at the enemy he was fighting, preparing himself to continue the fight.

"Well if that's what you think, have fun killing people."
Kazuha walks away, surely annoyed by Scaramouche comments, but also kinda sad that he couldn't keep a conversation with him.

Scaramouche continues his fight, kinda annoyed by what just happened, but he seemed to keep a good posture.

After a while, Scaramouche ended his fights, and went his way back home, but he decided to stop at a restaurant to eat some food, he was surely hungry. As he ordered his food, he saw Kazuha in a table, eating something.
"...What a nuisance to encounter him again. But well, it's not like I care." Scaramouche sits and orders food as well.

"Oh, hey Scara! It's nice to see you again, are you also here to eat something?"
As Kazuha noticed Scara, he gave him a smile, happy to see Scaramouche again.

Scaramouche is visibly annoyed by this interruption.
"...Yes. I'm here to eat. What else do you think a restaurant is for? To stare at the food?"

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