I give him a confused face before going back to people-watching.

"Hey, do you wanna go bowling?"

I knit my brows together after looking back at him. "Bowling?"

"Yeah. You know, the activity where you roll the heavy balls to knock down the pins?"

"I'm not dumb, I know that." I reach forward and slap him on the arm.

"There's one down the road. We have to walk a little, do you mind?"

"Sure." I shrug.

Elijah stands and picks up my bags and his snow cone while I get my bear, flowers, and snow cone.

We wander together to the other side of the block. He walks down the outside of the sidewalk making me smile.

"Are you sure you don't need me to hold the gigantic monkey?" Elijah questions.

"I'm sure."

We walk in comfortable silence with only the cool breeze and noises of cars passing by.

We finally arrive at the bowling alley and get a lane. As always, Elijah pays and I fight him on it.

We get our bowling shoes and set our stuff down on the little seats.

"Ladies first," Elijah types my 'Lav' into the machine.

"Go find your ball," he tells me.

I stand and go search for a bowling ball I could carry.

When I get back, I continue to hold it as Elijah tells me to go. I throw the ball and hit seven pins.

My arms go up and I turn to Elijah who's smiling at me. "Good job!" he praises.

My ball comes back up on the machine and I hit the other three earning me a spare. I clap and squeal.

I've only been bowling like twice and each time I sucked. But I'm on a winning roll today.

"Your turn," I sing as I take a seat.

He bowls and immediately gets a strike. I stand up in shock. "That's gotta be cheating!"

"It's all me, baby," he teases.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I take my next turn and hit half the pins. "Yay!" I squeal, once again.

"Very impressive," I hear a voice near my ear.

I turn around and smack him in the chest. "Don't patronize me."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are! Go away so I can get another spare." I palm his shoulders and push him back to his seat. "Stay,"
I demand.

I walk back to the machine and throw the ball, knocking down the remaining pins. My hands go to my head. "Do you see that? You see how good I am?"

"I am seeing very well. Good job," Elijah applauds from the couch. His long dimples make an appearance. I could kiss them if I really wanted to.

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