LVI. One perk of being royalty

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ONE PERK OF BEING ROYALTY in King's Landing was certainly that none of them had to actually pack their stuff up and put it into the carriages and later on the ships on their own.

Meria's family stood by the side saying goodbye to Viserys, Rhaenyra and her sons. Laena and her family left two days ago for Driftmark already and the sudden absence of Baela and Rhaena in the Red Keep caused their children – especially Vaena who grew quite fond of Rhaena – to really want to leave for Dragonstone.

Meria looked to where her husband stood with Daelion by the horses which would pull the carriage in a few moments. Two sturdy brown mares but they seemed to enjoy Daelion's soft strokes on their noses. It was still a miracle to them why he held such deep admiration for those animals but never spent more time with his dragon Onyx than absolutely necessary. Sometimes it pained Meria whenever she saw his frightened eyes when standing in front of the black dragon, but she knew it was necessary for him to learn how to control him. Otherwise, the consequences would be fatal and she didn't want to lose their son anytime soon.

Sighing quietly, she saw the servants carry their last baggage to the carriage. It was time. With narrowed eyes Meria looked up at the massive Red Keep behind her. A place she would leave for the second time now. Was she sad the first time? Not because of leaving but for other reasons. Was she sad now? She wasn't so sure.

Viserys appeared next to her, his gaze wandering over the children running around with excitement, jumping in and out of the carriage.

"Your Grace." Meria greeted him and he gave her a tight-lipped smile. "Are you feeling well enough for us to leave?" She tried to make the question sound as peripheral as possible but there was greater meaning behind it. Daemon had expressed his concerns for his brother just last night again, but he did not dare ask him directly for some reason. Perhaps then his brother's weakness would become too real.

"I don't know what you mean."

The corners of her mouth rose slightly but her eyes were sad. "We see you tremble. Daemon is worried."

Viserys let out something like a huff, shaking his head and straightening his back as if he wanted to show that he was just fine. "There is no need for that. Everything will turn out just fine. It is a beautiful day." He looked up at the sun, enjoying the rays on his face.

"It surely is." She had to give in, not seeing any chance to get more out of him. He wasn't ready to share what was going on yet. Examining his features from the side she found that he looked a lot older than he should. Although only four years separated the brothers Daemon had surely held up better over the years.

"I hope you two find comfort at Dragonstone."

"I am sure we will." For some reason, Meria really was sure about that. The children had been amazed by the island and Meria herself could see herself living there for a really long time.

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