XL. It could happen any moment now

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116 AC – four weeks later

IT COULD HAPPEN ANY MOMENT NOW. And Daemon was still giving her the cold shoulder. He was often away and never told Meria nor Aunora where he was going. Perhaps he was down in the city, having drinks in pubs or searched for release in whorehouses. Wait...no. No, Meria didn't want to think about that possibility. Daemon loved her, he told her every day, he showed her every day. Well, he didn't in the last weeks but...Meria was sure his feelings didn't change. The only good thing was that his behavior towards Aunora hasn't changed a bit. They spent a lot of time together, their bond growing stronger and stronger every day and Meria couldn't be happier about it.

She wished that she could see many more moments between them in the future, but every time she thought about the future there was this nagging fear in the back of her head that she wouldn't survive childbirth and therefore couldn't experience all that. Another thing she was scared of was the possibility of her losing another child. She had no idea if she could live with herself if that happened. It would change her, no doubt and it would surely do the same to Aunora and Daemon. All of them wanted this child, all of them wanted them to be a big, happy family and Meria would never forgive herself if she destroyed what they had already built.

One night Meria couldn't stand it any longer. The shallow small talk she and Daemon did lately was tiring. It was not them.

"Daemon?" She didn't walk up to him and hugged him like last time when she visited him in the study. He was focused on his papers and didn't turn around but she saw how he tensed up.

"Mhm." She hated it when he was all 'mhm'.

"You know... it won't be long anymore."

"And?" Him pretending not to care made her roll her eyes.

"I don't want us to be like this when our child is born."

Daemon scoffed before he answered and turned his head a bit, so she could see half his face. His jaw was clenched. "Of course not, because you think that you are going to die an I am left alone with our two children." There was a high amount of acrimony in his voice. Meria's first instinct was to snap at him, but she reminded herself that his emotions were only caused by the fear of losing her.

"Daemon..." His name left her mouth like a sigh.

"No, I don't want to discuss this anymore."

"Yeah clearly." She muttered under her breath and turned around to leave. But when her hand was already on the door handle, she stopped herself.

"If it's a boy I thought about the name Daelion. After his father if you'd like that." Her voice was soft and she hoped the imagination of their son would propitiate him a bit. He took his time to answer and she already doubted if he would even do that, but then she heard his voice.

"It is a beautiful name." It made her smile, but she felt that he wasn't finished yet. There was something else. She stared at his back and waited. "I've been summoning the best maesters from all over the continent these last weeks. They can be here at call."

Relief washed over her when she had the final proof that he didn't visit any whorehouses but that he was away for her. To find someone who could help her.

"Thank you." She hoped that he could tell she was smiling. "Will you come to bed soon?"

"In a moment I promise."

When she turned around this time, she left with a good feeling, knowing that this little conversation has improved something. For the first time in the last weeks, she was looking forward to the night because she knew that he wouldn't wait until she was fast asleep before he would join her. That maybe there wouldn't be a gap between them tonight in their huge bed.

The Unwanted | Daemon Targaryen [english]Where stories live. Discover now