XXVIII. The smell of ham and freshly baked bread

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THE SMELL OF HAM AND FRESHLY BAKED BREAD greeted Daemon when he walked down the stairs. He didn't want to wake up Meria and was curious what would be going on in the house. It was strange. Although only four people lived here, it was filled with more life and joy than the castle he grew up in. When he entered the kitchen, Helaya stood at the oven and hummed a melody. Bowls and plates with food were already placed on the little table in the middle of the room and in the next room where they sat for dinner yesterday the clinging of cutlery could be heard.

Then, Aunora ran into the room, dressed in a light blue dress with her hair flying wildly around her head. She grinned when she saw Daemon leaning against the doorframe.

"Good morrow!"

Helaya turned around and took notice of Daemon as well, whereupon she greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good morrow." He was a bit taken aback by the lovely, familial atmosphere he did not knew from Westeros.

"Is mama still asleep?"

"She is." Daemon answered and noticed how Helaya raised a brow. For a moment, he was uncertain why she did so, but then remembered that Meria had introduced him as only a friend. Maybe it was not really friend-ish to know that she was still asleep because officially, Syren had shown him his own room last night. Of course, he didn't even step one foot into it but went straight to Meria's.

"Aunora, dear, would you mind placing those on the table?"

"On my way!" The little girl seemed happy to be able to help and grabbed one of the plates, before she ran off to the dining room again.

"She's a whirlwind for sure." Daemon remarked and that caused Helaya to smile.

"And stubborn. Meria says she got that from her father."

His brow rose. "She told you who her father is?" Aunora came back to the kitchen but didn't even notice that they were talking about her, since she was too concentrated on carrying the food without letting it fall.

Nevertheless, Helaya waited until she was in the other room again before she spoke while slicing the bread.

"It is not hard to tell when a woman arrives on dragonback and gives birth to a silver haired child." Good point, Daemon had to admit.

"How exactly did you meet her?" He wanted to use her openness to get some more information about Meria's life around here.

"An interesting story. She was apparently flying for hours already, and it was an awful day, a lot of rain. We saw from the window how a big creature circled over the neighbor hill. Syren ordered me to stay inside. My husband then took his sword and went to the place where he saw them land. I have neve been so scared for my husband's life before." Daemon nodded understandingly. Targaryens grew up with dragons around them. He himself was not scared of them at all, Meria neither. But for all the other people they were brutal and blood-thirsty creatures, which caused them to fear them.

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