VII. It was her only way to escape...

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109 AC

IT WAS HER ONLY WAY TO ESCAPE the court and everything that came with it – including her betrothed who still wanted to wed her. he did not want to wed her, he wanted to be connected to the royal family. Since he could not have Rhaenyra for some reason, Meria needed to do it. The fact that she punched him did not seem to matter – unfortunately. She would love to do it again though. 

Rhaenyra was surprised when Meria asked if she could accompany her to some High Lords who could be good suitors for Rhaenyra. But she was glad that someone was with her who had the same opinion about marriage. 

However, Meria did not intervene the slightest and Rhaenyra soon realized that her half-sister had only used this opportunity to get out of the Red Keep. Indeed, she stood by her side and listened with her to all the men who tried their luck in odd ways. 

Some delivered speeches for hours – one man almost suffocated on his saliva because he talked so long– others listed all the political advantaged they gained from such an alliance. A little boy, a Blackwood, ended up killing another suitor after the latter challenged him. At least that was exciting.

To Meria's displease the Princess decided to go back home after that – two months before she was supposed to - and Meria, although the thought crossed her mind, was not brave enough not to go back with her – although there seemed to be nothing she looked forward to in King's Landing.

On the very same day Meria found herself vomiting in a bucket and clinging to the armrest of the chair she was sitting on.

"I fucking hate this fucking massive lake." She cursed under her breath and raked her fingers through her hair. She felt miserable and hated every minute they spend on this wooden demon that swayed constantly.

"We should make landfall inside the hour, as I just heard them." Talya told her and took the bucket from her.

"We better."

She sat there, staring at the wooden floor in front of her and hoping that it was over as soon as possible, when all of a sudden, she heard people screaming outside. Then, she heard a familiar screech. 

Meria quickly ran outside the cabinet she was in but, as soon as she set her foot on the deck, the ship buckled heavily. She stumbled forward but was able to catch herself on a wooden pile.

There was the screech again and she felt goosebumps on her skin, as shelooked up into the sky. She saw the last tip of a blood red dragon and her eyes widened. She ran to the railing and almost fell over when she braced herself on it to see more of the dragon she had not seen in so long. 

The rider could not have known who exactly was on the ship but only saw the Targaryen dragon on its sail. But it was as if he felt it and that was why he flew an extra round circling dangerously near to the peak of the mast.

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