XXXII. A lot of begging

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A LOT OF BEGGING was needed to convince her mother. Usually, Aunora would stay at home with Syren and Helaya while Meria was working because Daemon often accompanied Meria or spent his nights alone in the city. However, Helaya was sick and Syren had excruciatingly much to do because the lord he worked for recently passed. Because of that, they decided that Daemon would watch her tonight and after a lot of begging from the girl her parents even allowed her to come with him into the city instead of staying at home.

After Meria finished her shift, she stood in front of the tavern and waited. Pulling her cloak tight around her body, she observed every person that walked the streets, always looking for a man and a little girl.
With every elapsing minute she grew more and more nervous. Where were they? Daemon said he would be here when she was finished. Something must have happened... She should have never allowed that. It was far too late for Aunora to be awake anyways. Have they already gone back home? But Daemon would have left her a message would he not?

At the verge of going crazy, Meria saw a big silhouette ascending from the shadows. When she recognized Daemon carrying Aunora her shoulders sunk in relief.

"Gods be good, I already assumed the worst. You are late." She immediately scolded him when he stood in front of her.

"We got caught up with something."

"With what? Is she alright?" Meria looked worriedly at her daughter who seemed unconscious. 

"She is, just really tired." Daemon moved a bit, so Meria could see Aunora peacefully sleeping with her head in the crook of his neck. "There was a circus and they had horses."

Meria's eyes widened, already knowing what that would mean.


"She apparently loves horses." He tried to sound annoyed.

"Yeah, they are her second favorite animals after dragons."

"And you were also right about her getting what she wants. I couldn't say no Meria, it was impossible." He seemed as if he himself couldn't believe how easily he was manipulated by his little dragon princess.

"That is her magic. She has everyone wrapped around her finger, even you." He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I have the feeling, especially me." His comment made her laugh again. Softly, she stroked her daughter's back, before looking at Daemon lovingly.

"Thank you for doing this tonight."

"Don't thank me for it." He shook his head slightly and then looked back at Aunora who was still asleep. The moment he opened his mouth to say something again, he already felt Meria's lips on his. Pleasantly surprised, he kissed her back and his free hand moved to her neck.

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