XXVII. Both were nervous.

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


116 AC

BOTH WERE NERVOUS. Meria didn't know why she felt like that. But as she led Daemon through the entrance and the hallways to the dining room and saw him looking around, she couldn't help but wonder how everything would turn out. She was about to introduce him to her friends and, most importantly, to their daughter. Finally.

It seemed as if Daemon was plagued by similar thoughts. He stopped in the middle of a hallway. Meria noticed because they have been holding hands.

As she looked into his violet eyes she couldn't quite believe what she saw at first. It was insecurity. 

"Aunora, will she like me?"

The question made Meria smile because it was evident that he already cared a lot about their daughter's opinion of him. He seemed to be almost scared that she could resent him even.

"We will see." Meria teased him but gave a reassuring smile. Aunora would like him instantly after seeing that he had a dragon. The girl loved everything that had something to do with those creatures. Other than that, Aunora and Daemon were so similar, they just had to like each other.

When they entered the dining room, the others were already sitting at the table, except for Helaya who was putting a pot with food onto it. They looked up when they noticed Meria and Daemon. Aunora quickly turned around in her chair. Next to her at the round table was Meria's seat.

"Well, hello again." Syren spoke up and nodded towards Daemon. Meria took a deep breath.

"Daemon is an old friend of mine from...where I come from." She looked at him. "Daemon, those are Helaya and Syren Drennar and...well...you've already met Aunora briefly."

"It is my pleasure." He politely nodded at all of them but kept looking at Aunora.

"I will quickly set the table for another person." Helaya said, but Aunora was faster. She jumped from her seat and ran into the direction of the kitchen.

"I'll do it!"

While Daemon looked after her surprised, the others chuckled at the girl's behavior, which was not uncommon. She was a very active child, for sure.

"Come." Meria tugged at Daemon's arm and lead him to the table, where he sat down on Meria's left side, while Aunora's place was on her right.

Aunora came back and put the cutlery and a plate as well as a cup on the table in front of him.

"Thank you." Daemon said and she smiled proudly before running over to her own seat.

"Can we start now?" Again, the others laughed. Meria leaned towards Daemon.

The Unwanted | Daemon Targaryen [english]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن