XLII. There was a bright smile on her face

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Sorry that it took me so long but I've had SO MUCH to do and I'm still stressed as hell but I really wanted to upload a new chapter now 😬



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120 AC – Pentos - five years later

THERE WAS A BRIGHT SMILE ON HER FACE as Meria watched through a window how her husband and two of their children were play-fighting with wooden swords outside in the yard. Aunora was doing extraordinarily well which Meria assumed was because Daemon had been teaching her for quite some time already - without telling her.

Viserion who was still about a foot smaller than his older sister wasn't able to control his swings just yet but he clearly inherited some talent and the love for fighting from his father – unlike Daelion or Vaena.

At some point, Vis managed to hit his father in the knee pit with his sword and although it couldn't have really hurt him, Daemon yelped dramatically and fell down on his knees. Both children cheered and hopped up and down with delight at 'defeating' their opponent. Daemon also laughed and pulled them into a hug making them giggle happily.

With a sigh Meria looked down onto her hand and the long, thin scar which graced her right palm and was a constant reminder of her Valyrian wedding to Daemon.

It had been a rather spontaneous act a few months after the birth of the twins and except for the children, only Helaya and Syren attended to it. They were also the ones who took care of the children while Daemon and Meria were occupied by consummating their marriage for several days after that.

Although Meria had thought about inviting Erina or Maerrio to the wedding, she decided against it. Maerrio and Daemon still didn't get along and she didn't want to rub it in Mio's face that she clearly chose another man. Not inviting Erina was for several reasons, for a start because Meria saw them as colleagues, but they never established a close friendship beyond that. Erina still believed that Meria was called Dania and in addition to that, she was still mad that Meria never came back to work.

When she turned around her smile widened as she looked at her other two children. Both were engaged in their favorite hobbies. Daelion was absorbed in a storybook while Vaena sat on the floor to the couch where he was sitting on and poured her mind out onto a sheet of paper with crayons.


This evening after they had finally managed to put all children to bed Meria and Daemon enjoyed a shared bath together. She sat in between his angulated legs with her back facing him while he leaned against the frame of the bathtub and gently brushed a washcloth over her shoulders and back.

Her hair was pinned up on her head and her eyes closed while she relished the attention he showered her with and which was not divided up on her and their children for once. Of course, both loved their little dragons unconditionally, but they also liked when they got time for themselves like right now.

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