L. Friendships

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Hello....finally a new chapter here! I hope you like it!


(Gods, Laena is so beautiful right?!) *°*°*°*°*

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(Gods, Laena is so beautiful right?!)

FRIENDSHIPS. Meria didn't expect to establish friendships here in King's Landing and especially not that fast. It was not the reason for her to come back. It has never been on her list of what she wanted. She had Daemon and her children, why would she need friends?

But as she sat on a blanket in the garden with Laena and Rhaenyra, surrounded by plates of fruits and sweets, talking and laughing, she was glad she didn't stick to her plan of remaining in solitude.

Meria sat next to Laena on the blanket, Rhaenyra opposite them. Their children were occupied with their lessons or watched over by the maids and their husbands were Gods-know-where, which was good because they were talking about them most of the time.

"So...it seems all of us had their chance with Daemon and only one was clever enough to take it. Meria Targaryen, first of her name, tamer of the Rogue Prince." Laena smirked while pouring them all more wine.

"It was rather like he took me and it would be naïve to believe that someone could tame Daemon." Meria murmured which made the others laugh. She watched Rhaenyra who looked down at her goblet. Meria wondered when and why she had told Laena about what happened between her and Daemon.

"Oh, what a woman would do to have a love like that." Laena enthused and stared into the air dreamily. Meria could only look down at her hands, the ring on her finger shining in the sun and reminding her of how lucky she was. She didn't hold it against Laena to say something like that for she knew that Laena was not really interested in Daemon anyways. Or anymore.

"And you still haven't asked him?" Rhaenyra wanted to know and Meria sighed before shaking her head.

"No, because I know what he's going to say about it."

"It's been weeks since my father has asked you."

"Yeah, you don't need to remind me." Meria decided not to think about Viserys' offer anymore today and turned to Laena.

"What about you and Toman though? You seem in love as well."

She sighed. "We have learned to love one another. We knew each other since we were little. It was like marrying a good friend and it developed into what it is now. What about you Rhaenyra?"

The younger Targaryen princess raised her brows. "You know Laenor..."

Laena quickly looked around, but no one was in sight who could hear them. "I am not talking about Laenor."

Rhaenyra's cheeks were of a crimson red. Laena and Meria shared a look and smirked at the same time.

"He is a nice man. And he has certain...other charms, yes." All of them knew she wasn't talking about Laenor anymore, but about. "He makes me feel desired."

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