XXVI. Nobody wanted to start.

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Still took me longer than expected, but here it is!!

A very needed conversation between the two. Find out how it goes...



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NOBODY WANTED TO START. Daemon was still too irritated by what he just saw and Meria was scared. She feared the possibility that when she told him about Aunora being his daughter and how she kept her from him for six years their newly established trust would be destroyed again. They have just found each other again and it didn't even take them one whole day to mess it up again.

He would be furious, Meria was certain. But she knew that it had to be done. They had to talk, really talk now. No excuses, no deflections. Although Meria wanted to say something, she just didn't know how exactly, she was relieved that Daemon was the first one to speak up again.

"Is she what you tried to hide from me?" He gestured into the direction of the door. "Your...daughter?" He seemed as if he couldn't even believe himself to use that word. Meria's heart pounded heavily in her chest. It was as if it weighed tons and it seemed to drag her down.

"I am so sorry." Was that a good start? She didn't know. Probably not. Nothing of this conversation was good yet. She just wanted to get it over with.

Daemon raised his hand and ran it over his chin in a contemplative way. It was hard for Meria to figure out his thoughts. She wasn't even completely sure whether he understood who Aunora was. He must have heard how she called her mother and how she looked was more than suspicious. Everyone with eyes who would look at Aunora and Daemon knew in an instant that they were related. Given their history, it was not hard to figure out how exactly.

"I didn't know how to tell you." She began while being unable to keep her hands still. She fumbled with her dress, with her nails, ran them through her hair. "And I was scared of what your reaction might be and I...I knew that...that it would destroy whatever we just started again."

"Why does my reaction matter?" He asked, his voice plain and cold. She practically squirmed under his inquiring eye. Did he really not know? Or did he just want to torture her? "Meria?"

"Doesn't she remind you of someone?"

How he grimaced slightly made her stomach turn. "Do you really want me to say it?"

"Yes, by all gods yes!" He suddenly shouted, but Meria was not surprised, although she flinched for a moment. Of course, he would be mad. She did only wait for it.

Daemon threw his hands into the air furiously and then stepped closer to her, looking down at her with an outraged, yet painful, expression. "Say it. I need to hear it, otherwise I don't know if it's real."

The Unwanted | Daemon Targaryen [english]Where stories live. Discover now