LV. The evening before

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THE EVENING BEFORE the great day, both were in bed together. Alicent wouldn't like this at all, considering that they were not yet truly married in her opinion. Daemon couldn't care less. No, he did his best to make comments about what exactly he would do with his wife tonight to anger the Hightower girl. Meria occasionally kicked him underneath the table but his mischievous manners had already rubbed off on her which was why she hid her grin at times.

As he looked down at Meria in his arms right now, he realized that she was not asleep. A frown was visible on her forehead.

"Cold feet?" He asked quietly, his lips brushing over her head.

The moment she buried her face in the blanket against Daemon's chest, he grew concerned. Slowly, he propped himself up on his elbows.


She sighed and moved until she was on her stomach. "It is feels different this time."

Daemon scoffed. "You should have said something sooner, preferably not the night before. But we can still cancel everything. I don't have a problem with that at all. The food would be wasted though."

"No, no!" She sat up, shaking her head. "I want to marry you. I will marry you...again." Pressing a soft kiss to his warm lips, she made him smile. "But the first time it was just the two of us and now there is..."

"A whole realm watching." He ended her sentence while brushing some blonde strands off her naked shoulders. His eyes found the blue and purple marks he had left in the crook of her neck and possessive excitement flooded his senses as he thought about the fact that on the morrow the whole realm would see that she was his.

"Watching and judging."

His forehead creased at her concerned tone. He shook his head, surprised that she was still thinking like this. He felt disappointed in himself that he had not been able to free her from these kinds of doubts and fears.

"One wrong glance or a word of malevolence and I'll feed them to Caraxes. Bisa nyke kivio naejot ao, ñuha jorrāelagon." (This I promise to you, my love.)

"Gaoman daor jaelagon ao naejot ossēnagon vala rȳ se tubis hen īlva dīnilūks." (I do not want you to kill someone at the day of our wedding.)

"Yn issa sīr olvie kirimves..." (But it is so much fun.)

He groaned and thus caused Meria to roll her eyes. Sometimes she wondered if people from the outside only saw the sadistic, brutal version of Daemon. They were missing out on so much then.

Daemon was so much more than that. He was loyal, smart, passionate, incredibly charming and at times he could even count as vulnerable. He felt so much and deeply other people could never understand. Meria knew that she could never trust a person more than him. Most importantly, he managed to encourage people to be their true selves. He supported her and convinced her of her true value.

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