Chapter 45- Princess Hair

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Dean helped the kids get settled in the Mikaelson Mansion. There was more room there, compared to the Salvatore house. So the four agreed it'd be better for them.

Damon walked up to Dean and helped set the dresser on the floor.

"Thanks, Dad," Dean said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Damon stared at him for a moment.


"Something is different about you," Damon said, squinting his eyes at Dean, "And it's not the hair... Although you need a goddamn hair cut. When's the last time you got one?"

"I've been busy," Dean shrugged.

"You need a haircut," Damon repeated, "You're beginning to look like me."

Dean chuckled lightly.

"I'm not too mad about that," Dean said, "You're apparently a lady killer around here."

"Emphasis on the killer," Damon teased.

Dean rolled his eyes and smirked.

"I'll get it cut soon," Dean said, "The princess's hair is more Sammy's style."

"I heard that," Sam said, walking into the room with Stefan, "And screw you."

"Don't be upset," Damon said, "Dean prefers more of Uncle Stefan's hero hair look."

Stefan mimicked a laugh and flipped Damon off.

"We got invited to have dinner here," Sam said.

"Hell no," Damon said.

"Why," Stefan asked.

"I love Dean and the kiddos but I can't stand the Mikaelsons," Damon said, "I barely tolerate Klaus."

"One night, Damon," Stefan said.

"It only takes one night for shit to go downhill," Damon said, "Also I rather not witness Klaus dagger his siblings because they were breathing too loud."

"He's not gonna dagger anyone," Dean said.

"Dean... This is Klaus," Sam sassed, "He's about as dagger-happy as you are trigger-happy."

"Who's side are you on," Dean sassed, looking at Sam.

"No one's," Sam said, "I have just been around long enough to smell bullshit when it comes out of your mouth."

Dean smacked Sam on the back of the head. Sam flinched and laughed.

"Whose bedroom is this," Stefan asked.

"Jack's," Dean said, looking around the room.

"Looks nice," Stefan said.

"Where are his clothes," Damon asked, looking at the closet.

"We need to get more..."

"He's not going to dress like you, is he," Damon asked.

"What's wrong with how I dress," Dean asked, slightly offended.

Damon looked at Dean's outfit which consisted of flannel, a t-shirt, jeans, and boots.

"You sure you want me to answer that," Damon sassed.

"How about we bring some clothes over for the kids when we get a chance," Stefan suggested, "Is that alright with you and your partners?"

"Of course, it's alright with them," Damon answered for Dean, "They're my grandkids, dammit! And I refuse to have them get bullied for looking like... Lumberjacks."

Dean scoffed and placed a hand on his chest.

"We're getting them clothes," Damon said, "In fact, when are they starting school?"

"Well, school doesn't start back up until 3 months," Dean said, "So in three months from now. Gives them time to learn what to expect and how to go about situations."

"Also gives me time to teach them how to deal with bullies..."

"Oh god no," Stefan said, rolling his eyes.

"What," Damon asked, turning to Stefan.

"Damon, you're going make them think murder is okay because people look at them wrong," Stefan said.

"What? No, I won't," Damon said, "Not for that at least... More like..."

"Removing the person's eyes," Dean asked.


"NO," Dean, Sam, and Stefan said in unison.

"Well, don't let them be pushovers either," Damon said, "Kids are cruel, okay? And if my grandkids come to me crying because they were bullied, I'm massacring that whole goddamn family."

"Uncle Stefan, control your brother," Sam said.

"I'm trying, Sam," Stefan said, shaking his head.

"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same," Damon scoffed, staring at Stefan.

"I wouldn't..."

"Liar," Damon snapped.

"Killing the whole family is kind of unreasonable," Stefan said.

"So if Stiles came running to you crying because someone at school beat him up and he didn't defend himself," Damon said, "You wouldn't take matters into your own hands?"

Stefan went quiet for a moment.

"See what I mean..."

"I'm thinking, okay," Stefan snapped.

Damon chuckled as Castiel knocked on the door.

"Dinner is ready," Castiel said.

"You are staying for dinner so play nice," Dean said, pointing at Damon, "Please!"

Damon groaned loudly but listened.

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