Chapter 32- Tracking Down The Mothers

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WARNINGS: Slight Supernatural Violence

Dean, Caroline, and Sam helped escort the compelled pregnant woman out of the home. She winced as she stepped wrong on the concrete.

"What's wrong," Caroline asked, noticing her beginning to limp.

"I think I sprained my ankle," the woman said.

Dean glanced at her and handed his duffle bag to Sam.

"I'm gonna carry you, okay," Dean said, resting a hand on her back, "Don't hold back any weight... Straining will only hurt you."

"Why not have Caroline," Sam asked.

"Because Caroline is the only one here capable of hearing danger approaching," Dean explained, "I don't need her distracted with carrying someone."

Dean lifted the woman in his arms and carried her out to the car. Caroline helped buckle the woman up and set her luggage in the trunk. She turned to Sam and Dean.

"I'll meet you there," Caroline said, "I got to make sure we have the correct stuff for her and the baby."

"Okay," Sam said, "Be careful."

"I will," Caroline said, going to her car.

"Text Kai," Dean said, "Tell him we're on our way back."

Sam pulled out his cell phone to do as told.

Gabriel, Tyler, and Jeremy raced the woman to the car.

"Hold on," Tyler said, holding out his arm, "I hear something."

"Hellhounds," Gabriel said, pushing them to the car, "Go, GO!"

"What about you," Jeremy asked, ushering the woman inside.

"I'm going to give you three a head start," Gabriel said, "I'll meet you there. Hurry up!"

Jeremy got in the passenger as Tyler started the car. They drove away as Gabriel turned to the hellhounds snarling at him. He stepped forward with a glare.

"I always hated you fucking mutts," Gabriel snapped, his eyes shining blue.

He watched them rush at him and as soon as they lunged, he pointed at them. The hellhounds yelped as they were lit on fire and slowly began to retreat. Gabriel turned his head, seeing the car was long gone. He sighed in relief and texted Sam to let him know.

Sam got the text message from Gabriel and responded back to him.

"Gabriel's group got the woman out," Sam reported.

"That's good," Dean said, arriving in Mystic Falls, "This shouldn't take much time then."

"Hope not," Sam said.

Alaric, Benny, and Matt was helping the other woman out. They reached the car when demons showed up.

"Going somewhere," the demon said, smirking proudly.

Benny looked at them, noticing they weren't human.

"Christo," Benny said, making their black eyes show, "Black-eyed son of a bitches."

Alaric and Matt raised their guns at them as Benny had the woman take cover. The bullets had little effect on the demons, but it allowed Benny enough time to stab them with a demon blade. One ran up to Matt, making Benny throw the blade at him. The blade hit the demon in the neck, killing it. Benny helped Matt up and took the blade.

"Thanks," Matt said.

"You can thank me once we get everyone to safety," Benny said, watching Alaric help the woman into the car.

Matt gave a nod to him and got in the passenger side. Benny got in the back seat with the woman. He made eye contact and practiced the compulsion that Marcel taught him.

"Sleep," Benny said, "We'll wake you when we're there."

The woman listened and fell asleep.

"Why did you have her sleep," Matt asked, thinking his intentions were harmful.

"Less stress on her and the child," Benny said, "I rather them both have a safe and healthy trip."

Matt's eyes softened a little as he texted Elena.

Castiel was carrying the last woman out when police surrounded the area.

"Why the bloody hell are police here," Klaus hissed.

"She works for the government, Klaus," Lucien said, "Is there a way to fake her death?"

"I'm on it," Castiel said, setting the woman down, "But I need time."

"Lucien, you up for a massacre," Klaus asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," Lucien smirked, walking out with him.

The officers began firing their guns as Klaus and Lucien started killing them one by one. Lucien bit one on the neck, ripping out her throat.

"Just like the old days, right," Lucien asked.

"Not quite there yet," Klaus said, dropping the two hearts in his hands, "More like 1654."

Lucien threw a knife behind Klaus, hitting another officer right in the eye. Klaus finished him off with a snap of his neck.

"I can see what you mean," Lucien said, nodding slowly.

"Burn the bodies," Castiel commanded, carrying the woman outside.

Klaus poured gasoline on the dead officers and tossed a lighter at them. Lucien, Klaus, and Castiel drove away with the last woman in the car with them.

Bonnie lifted her head and looked at the window. She shook as she stood up slowly.

"Bonnie," Elena said, getting up to help her, "What's wrong?"

"One of mine is here," Bonnie said, her breath raspy, "I can feel them."

Elena glanced out the window and saw Dean and Sam walking up with one of the women.

"She is here," Elena confirmed, "She and the baby are here."

"The pain feels a little better," Bonnie said, "It doesn't hurt as much."

Elena turned to Stefan in question.

"Maybe distance makes the pain increase," Stefan theorized, "It would make sense. The link is strained with distance."

Kai walked in with a bowl and other ingredients in hand.

"The rest are on the way," Kai said, setting everything up, "Bonnie, I need you to sit. If you move around, it's going to make this a lot more difficult... Well, at least for you and Damon anyway."

Bonnie glanced at him with a glare. Kai felt the evil stare she gave him but ignored her. Either way, she sat down like Kai told her to. Kai smirked as he started preparing himself for a transfer spell that may or may not work.

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