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April, 1982

I was sitting on the rocking chair on the porch of mine and Rogers new home, with 10-month old Violet cradled in my arms, wearing a yellow, ruffled dress with matching bloomers on. We had moved in here a couple of weeks after our wedding a few months ago.

The wedding wasn't big, at first we had made plans to just elope, but I really wanted to have all my bridesmaids and our friends at the wedding. Brian was Rogers best man, and Katie was my maid of honor. Of course my bridesmaids were Raven, Willow, Morgan, Ronnie, Chrissie and even Mary and my old roommate Evie agreed to be a bridesmaid!

I had called Mary and asked if she could make it to London for my wedding and be one of my bridesmaids, after Freddie had given me her new number. It was almost nostalgic seeing her again after nearly 7 year's.

Even though the wedding was small it was one of the best days of my life. Roger's vows had me sobbing, as he spoke about everything we had gone through and how happy he was to be here with me.

Roger's proposal was heartwarming and overwhelmingly romantic. He took me to the beach wher I first told him I loved him and we had dropped Violet off at my mum's house- since her, my dad and Katie had rented a house in London for the wedding, since Roger told them his plan- he gave me one hell of a speech about his love for me and then got down on one knee, with a large diamond inside a red-velvet box.

Obviously I accepted it and two months later we were married. Roger suggested getting a house of our own, since my flat was too small for three of us and he had already put his up for sale, because he wanted a fresh start with me.

I agreed and then we moved into this beautiful house. It was a bit too big, but Roger refused to settle for any less than a mansion. My favorite parts of this place was the front porch and the backyard.

Most of the time, I would just sit on the rocking chair, with Violet in my arms, like I am right now, or I would be writing poems in my old book. Unfortunately I only have a few pages left and then I'll probably need to ge a new one, but I plan on keeping this one forever.

I loved the backyard as well, especially when Roger would be home and play with Violet in the garden.
Having Violet was definitely the best thing to ever happen in my life and I don't regret a single regret about my decision on keeping her or how I had her.

Maybe I would've liked to have her under different circumstances, but I'm happy with how things have worked out, because watching Violet grow over the last 10 months have been the best experience in my life. Like when she crawled for the first time, when she took her first steps- although she can't quite walk just yet, she still prefers crawling- or when she said her first word, which Roger was over the moon about, meanwhile I'm still trying to get her to say 'mama'.

She's also been spoiled rotten, especially, of course, by her uncle Freddie. Everytime he sees her, he has a new gift for her and she's not even a year old! I'm a bit worried she's gonna grow up to be too spoiled, but Roger assures me he won't let that happen.

Anyway that's enough about me, let's talk about everyone else's lives. Queen are still making great albums and touring, Paul is still a dick, Raven and River are expecting a little girl in just a couple of months and are still the best endgame couple in my opinion- mostly because they've been together for over 10 years now- , Morgan and Keanu are engaged and Morgan is now in a band, Willow and Elizabeth eloped just a few months ago, with me, Raven, Morgan, and the band as their witnesses and adopted a son and a daughter. Dominique forgave me and Roger and last I heard, she's now living in France with her new boyfriend. Mary is dating someone called Dave that she's been with for over a year, but now she frequently visits everyone, which I'm glad.

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