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It was Friday and Fred had another party going on tonight, so I was currently getting ready for it. I grabbed a slim, backless, peach-pink coloured, sparkly mini dress, and plain white high heels from my dresser.

After I had gotten ready, I added a slight touch of foundation, blush, mascara and peach lip gloss, then just allowing my natural curls to flow down, over my shoulders.

I glanced over my appearance in the mirror, before grabbing my purse and keys, and locking up the door, just choosing to walk down to the party, as it wasn't that far.

When i arrived at the party, the energy and atmosphere was the same as it usually was: loud and exhilarating. It was always a struggle to get past all of the random people who were invited to these.

My eyes scanned the room in search for either the bar or people I know. When the first thing that caught my eyes was the location of the bar, I sighed and walked towards it, leaning my elbows on the bar, as I ordered a tequila sunrise.

I looked around my surroundings, just incase I knew someone. No one. They'd probably be over on the lounges, getting drunk.

I thanked the barman, when he handed me my drink, and I just walked around the mansion in search of anybody who I know. I took a sip of the tequila sunrise, just feeling the sensation of the smooth liquid slide down my throat, when I finally saw Brian's unmistakable locks of hair, sitting next to Chrissie and everybody else.

"Ophelia, darling! Glad you could make it!" Freddie exclaimed, standing off the chair, to press a peck to my cheek, with his hand on my shoulder.

I thanked him for inviting me, and he led me over to sit in his seat, next to Dominique and Roger, while he stood next to (tw) Paul.
"So, Ophelia, I heard you went on a date last week, how was it?" Dominique asked, as the group stop talking to listen to what I had to say about.

"Oh, uh.. It was fine." I started with a shrug. Maybe I had imagined it, but the mention of my date brought a tense look on Rogers face. His face had hardened, he drew in a sharp breath, and he looked visibly tense. "There's not much to elaborate, we just kinda talked for the full thing. We didn't have much in common, honestly."

"Oh, that's a shame." Dominique frowned, slightly, before switching the subject."What about your job, how have you been liking that?"

"Yeah, I love the job, it's really good. I've been working on this short story, and I think it's coming along well." I replied, with a small smile.

"I'm glad to hear that. Maybe I'll get to read it sometime." Dominique smiled brightly at me, and I chuckled.

The conversation moved onto what the band has planned for the up-coming tour. I had finished my drink, and excused myself to head to the bar.

I made my way over to the bar, setting the empty glass on the counter, as the bartender took it and went to refill it. While he was refilling it, I heard a familiar voice request a southern comfort from behind me.

I flipped my head around to the direction of the man who owns the voice, and smiled when I saw Roger, making his way to stand beside me.
"Hi." I greeted, with a smile plastered on my face.

"Alright, love." He said, nonchalantly, with his eyes straight ahead, in the direction of the bartender who was attending to his drink.
"So, you went on a date?" He questioned, emphasizing date, almost as if it were hard to believe or something.

"Yeah, I did." I replied, thanking the barman who handed me my drink. I was about to turn around and head back when I heard his voice once again, stopping me in my tracks.

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