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Everybody was silent, almost everyone in the restaurants eyes were now on me, while the cocktail was dripping down my face and off my clothes.

Roger sat across me looking slightly guilty, while Charlotte or whatever her name is sat, looking like she was about to burst out laughing, while the others looked equally shocked, as Chrissie climbed over Brian to help clean myself up.

"Maybe next time you'll learn to keep your nose out of other people's business" Charlotte shrugged, a smug smile still set on her face, making me want to punch it off her.

"As if you'll be here next time. He'll probably forgotten all about you this time tomorrow" I rolled my eyes, before I saw my glass of tequila sunrise, and before I could think twice, next thing I know, Roger is hiding behind Charlotte, as he caught onto what I was planning, and Charlotte's eyes a wide opened, looking down at her brand new outfit, that was covered in my beverage, along with her makeup running down her face and her hair falling out of place.

"You cow!" she yelled, standing up with her purse, hitting Roger on the chest with it. "You could've at least defended me, dickhead." She angrily stormed off, leaving Roger sat there, dusting off his sleeve, which was slightly wet, due to my drink.

I tried to hide a snigger behind my hand, as I looked over at everyone, Brian and Deacy were sat in disbelief, Freddie was unable to control his loud, contagious laughter, which quickly spread across the whole table, and Roger was looking at me, unimpressed, as I sat, laughing along, not caring at all.

"I've wanted to do that all night, darling. You could've saved yourself the trouble of sitting there with sticky clothes, if you'd of done it earlier" Freddie joked, holding his hand in the air, as I slapped my hand against his, in the motion of a high-five, clearly he was impressed at my double stunt.

"Has anyone got a napkin? This shit's drying in quicker than I thought it would" I laughed, taking off my soaked denim jacket.

"I'll get you some" Brian smiled, standing up to ask the waitress for napkins.

"I'll be back in a second. Going out for a smoke" I announced, standing up from the booth, I took a lighter and a cigarette out from the package, that was kept in my jacket, before walking out the back door of the restaurant.

The cold air attacked my hot skin the moment I stepped foot outside, I placed the fag directly between my lips, moving the cancer stick to the edge of my mouth, with my tongue, as I fiddled around with the lighter that wouldn't spark up.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath, still struggling to light my cigarette. "Piece of shit" I threw away the lighter, about to turn on my heel and walk back inside, before I heard the door open and close, revealing a disheveled-looking drummer, with a few napkins in one hand, a lighter in the other hand, and a cigarette poised between his lips.
"Oh. Hi" I greeted, awkwardly, desperate more than ever to skip the pointless argument and just go back inside.

"Lighter not working?" he asked, and I shook my head, observing as he shoved the napkins in his pocket, before covering his mouth with one hand, as he lit the cigarette that wa positioned perfectly between his pink lips, shoving the lighter in his pocket, he removed the cigarette momentarily to blow a cloud of smoke that danced in the air, before fading righ in front of my face, almost as if he were showing off that his lighter was working perfectly.
"That's a shame" he smirked, placing the cigarette back between his lips, before rolling his eyes and pulling his lighter out, chucking it over, as I unexpectedly caught it with both hands, before lighting up, muttering a small 'thanks' that was muffled, due to the cigarette in my mouth, that I was flaming, before throwing his lighter back over.

"Is that your little girlfriend left you, without even offering you a blowjob? Such a shame" I fake pouted my lips, sniggering to myself, as I took a drag from the cigarette.

"I'm sure I'll find a replacement" he smirked, his sunglasses now dangling low from his nose, making his eyes slightly visible. I scoffed at his arrogance.

"You really are disgusting, you know that?" I asked, taking my last few drags of the cigarette.

"So I've been told" He shrugged, chucking away his dead cigarette, before lighting another one.

"Well, good luck with that. I'm going back inside" I threw away my cigarette and walked towards the door, before I felt my arm being gripped by him, and I snapped my head to face him.

"No thank you for the cigarette? Where are your manners?" He smirked, teasingly, I noticed his eyes momentarily dropping to my lips, before finding my eyes again.

"I already said thanks" I rolled my eyes, attempting to wriggle my arm out of his, surprisingly tight grip.

"Ah, that wasn't a proper thank you, love." He laughed, as he noticed the heat flushing my cheeks, staining a heavy, permanent blush on my cheeks, as he took yet another drag, blowing it directly into my face, with his lips forming the shape you'd make for whistling.

"Thank you so much for the lighter, I don't know how I could ever repay you" I batted my eyelashes dramatically, my voice hitting a high-pitched, baby voice.

"I'm sure we could work something out" He smirked, and next thing I knew, his lips smashed onto my own, and although I wanted to pull back, there was a need of a burning desire filling my stomach, itching me to crave more, as my hands found their way to the back of his neck, sliding up his hair, as his hands settled on my waist, pressing my back against the stone wall. His breath was like a burst mixture of flavour, I could taste the nicotine, different types of liquor, and colgate, I'm sure mine would be similar – if not the same.

His hands were roaming all over my waist and hips and back, while my fingers were tangled in his hair, tugging the ends of it, while his tongue was practically shoved down my throat, where I almost gagged, before pulling away, gasping for air.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, as I looked into his eyes. "Maybe you could be the replacement" His words echoed through my ears, his hands caressing my face, but his words brought me back to reality. He didn't care, he just wanted a quick shag, that's all.

"Replacement? Is that all you think of me? Roger, you can't do that again, I'm with Ian you know that" I sighed, reality falling back into place.

"Spence, there's never strings attached with me, so of course you're just a shag. Maybe, I'd start behaving a lot nicer and it could be occasional. Ian would be none the wiser. Probably wouldn't give a shit" He shrugged, continuing to caress m cheek, but I gently pushed his wrist away.

"You're drunk. You'll forget about this in the morning" I tried to excuse, and walked back inside, before he could get a word in. I wouldn't admit it, but hearing his words genuinely hurt me for some reason.

I walked towards the bar, where the telephone was, dialing Ian's number for him to come and get me. Everyone was extremely drunk and out of it, so the mistaken kiss will probably be long forgotten by tomorrow... I hope.

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