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I was at work, getting death glares from Andy whenever I saw him, which prompted me to roll my eyes at his child-like behavior, just because I rejected him. He's been giving me this treatment for almost two weaks now, it's getting boring honestly.

I was just ignoring him, continuing to focus on my work, like I was supposed to. After 30 minutes of getting into the short story I was writing, I heard Mr Chanlers assistant call me over.

"There's someone on the phone asking to speak to you." She informed me, holding out the telephone for me to take. My brows furrowed, as I slowly took the telephone from her, and holding it up to my ear.

"Is this Ophelia Spencer?" An unfamiliar Male voice asked me.
"This is she. How can I help you?" I asked, as I twirled the telephone wire around my index finger, as a typical habit of mine.

"This is Dr Jones, I'm calling to inform you, that you're friend Morgan and her boyfriend, Dave has been involved with a terrible car accident, and are both severely injured." I heard the voice on the other end tell me, with a professional tone. My eyes widened by the unexpected news, and I wasn't even sure how to react. I was shocked, I couldn't even hear what the doctor said after, I just hung up the phone, quickly told my boss that I needed to leave work to go to the hospital, which he nodded and asked if I was alright, but I just nodded, and rushed out of the building and into my car.

I drove to the hospital, probably breaking multiple laws and speed limits. As soon as i stepped out of the car, I practically ran into the hospital, seeing that Freddie, Brian, John, Chrissie, Ronnie, and Raven were already there in the waiting room. River was holding Raven in his arms, trying to comfort her.

"Is she alive? Where is she? Has there been any update?" I asked, completely panicked, as I noticed Willow rushing in through the hospital doors, with the same panicking expression as we all had.

"No. Nothing, the fucking doctors refuse to tell us anything!" Raven practically yelled, while River tried to calm her down.

I couldn't sit still, I was pacing around in circles, just waiting for the doctor to come out with any news or updates.

Roger soon came into the hospital, with Dominique by his side. Fuck. That's the last thing i need right now. "I'm gonna try find coffee." I excused, as they nodded, quickly scurrying off to find a coffee machine, before Roger and Dominique made their way over to the group.

I wandered around the halls of the hospital, in search off a coffee machine to calm my nerves a bit.
When I finally found it, I grabbed myself a cup, and began filling it with coffee.

I turned my head around at the feeling I was being followed. I was. By none other than Roger himself. I rolled my eyes, and continued watching the coffee being poured in my cup.
"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked, with genuine concern dripping from his voice.

I sighed, feeling like I was about to cry, but I kept it in, not wanting to cry in front of him. "I don't know. What are you doing here, Rog."

"I came here because I got a call and I care about Morgan-" He started, but I cut him off short as he didn't understand my question.

"I mean what are you doing talking to me?" I rephrased, as he sighed, with his hands shoved into his pockets, looking down at his feet. Habit of awkwardness I guess.

"I wanted to make sure you're alright." He said, simply, but I knew there was more to the reason, I just didn't wanna talk about whatever it was he really wanted to talk about.

"My best friend is in the hospital because she got in a car crash. How do you think I'm feeling?" I asked, blowing on my coffee to cool it down, taking a sip.

"Well I doubt you're feeling overjoyed at the moment." He began, taking his hands out of his pockets to cross his arms over his broad chest.
"Look, Ophelia.. It's probably not a great time, but we hardly get a chance alone to talk so I just need to talk about this.. When I kissed you-" I scoffed, cutting him short once again. Is he being serious?

"Roger I'm not having this conversation right here or now. One of my best friends is in the fucking hospital, and I don't have a fucking clue if she's currently alive or not!" I exclaimed, angry that he'd bring this up now.

"I kiss you, and you say it meant nothing! That fucking hurt, Spence!" He yelled back at me, with a stern face.

"No! You know what hurts?! Having a screwdriver jammed in your stomach!" I yell, turning around and speed-walking away from him in anger.

"What?" Roger asks, with confusion lacing his tone, and turning around to see a man lying on a bed that was being wheeled into a hospital room, with a screwdriver jammed in his stomach.
"Oh, fuck!" He exclaimed, feeling sick at the sight.

Last part was inspired by gilmore girls

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