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Everybody was at the party, while I stayed in my hotel room, wallowing. I think I was avoiding the party, because I was avoiding Roger. I knew if I saw him, I'd need to talk to him, but I hadn't a clue of what to say to him.

I was lying on my back on the soft couch, looking up at the ceiling, trying to ponder different scenarios and outcomes to what I'd say to Roger.
It was strangely silent in the hotel room, you could hear a pin drop. Probably because everybody else was at the party.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, interrupting my train of thoughts. I silently groaned, sitting up on the couch, clutching on to the cushion, as the knocking continued.

I stood up and walked to the door, twisting the door knob, as I opened it, revealing Brian, standing there.
"Brian? What are you doing up here?" I asked, curiously.

"Hi, Phee. Can I come in?" He asked, and I nodded, opening the door further, in an inviting manner. We walked back over to the couch, and sat down."How come you're up here instead of the party with everyone else?" I questioned, raking my hand through my hair.

"Was a bit too loud. Plus, I don't really feel like getting pissed and another concussion." We both laughed, slightly.

"How come you aren't at the party?" Brian questioned, although his tone sounded like he could guess.

"My situations a bit trickier." I chuckled, breathily, as I looked down at my fidgety hands, frowning slightly.

"Could I take a guess?" He asked, making me intrigued, I looked up at him, curious to what he's got to say."Well, I was chatting with Roger last night, he was already drunk when he came into my hotel room and he started waffling on about you." He informed me, and I looked down slightly ashamed.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone about the two of you, I just wanted to let you know, he's at the party. And from what I could make out last night, when he wasn't mumbling or slurring.. he misses you. A lot. He wouldn't stop goin on about it. So, go down there and put the poor man out of his misery- put me out of my misery from having to listen to him." We both laughed, at the end, as I leaned over and wrapped my arms around him, thanking him.

"Alright.. I'll get ready right now." I grinned, hopping off of the couch. I loved hearing Roger was missing me as much as I missed him. And I was thankful Brian was so supportive and promised to keep our secret.

"Alright. I'll let you get ready. I'll see you at the party. And if I need to listen to Roger whining and moaning again tonight, I'm hiring a hitman to take you out!" Brian called out, as he left my hotel room.


After finally deciding on something to wear, I was walking down the street to the building, which the party was being held.

When I reached the building, I was slightly hesitant. There was a few people standing outside, smoking cigarettes. I took out a pack of marlboro from my jacket pocket, pulling out a cigarette, and placing it between my red-painted lips, while searching my pockets for a lighter.

I took long, slow drags of the cigarette, allowing my mind to distress, as the smoke coiled from my lips, fading into the air.
I waited a moment, until the cigarette was done, dropping it on the ground, and stepping on it, walking inside.

The atmosphere was the same as usual, busy, crowded, filled with people who are already intoxicated or yet to be. I looked around the room in search for Roger, but he was nowhere in sight.

"Phee?! I didn't think you where coming tonight?" Morgan boasted, as her, Raven and Willow came over to me, with their drinks intact.

"Changed my mind." I shrugged, as we walked over to the bar. I'd most likely need a drink before facing Roger anyway, I still hadn't a clue on how this would turn out.

"So what's with the change of plans?" Raven asked, raising one of her brows, and I quickly racked my brains for a quick excuse.

"Oh, just got bored of sitting in a hotel room all day... you haven't seen Roger by any chance?.. Have you?" I asked, and I didn't even care if I was making it obvious that I was desperate to see him. The three girls all shared a worried glance, before looking at the ground in unison. "What?" I cocked a confused brow, before turning around, to look into the direction where Willow's eyes where peeking over.

My heart dropped to my stomach. There, Roger was, with a girl, both of them laughing, as she kissed his cheek, and he gave her a side hug. In all honesty, I wasn't surprised. I was hurt, but not surprised. He did have a reputation. Besides it's not like I could judge with my situation.. But it wasn't exactly the most comforting view.

"Phee? You alright?.." Willow asked, sympathetically. I turned around and all of them were looking at me, like I was a lost puppy.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just- I need to go to the bathroom. Two minutes." I excused, walking over to the gender-neutral bathrooms, with tears pricking up at the corner of my eyes. As I walked by, Roger and I held eye contact for no longer than a split second, but it was enough for him to acknowledge I was here, and that I knew what he was doing.

As I walked in, I rushed to the sink, looking in the mirror, I just let the tears flow out. I had forgotten I was in a public restroom, and felt slightly awkward, when I saw a woman coming out of the stall, giving me a strange glance, before washing her hands in the sink beside me, then leaving.

I sighed deeply, turning the tap on, placing my hands under the cold, running water, before splashing it onto my face. I took a paper towel, and dried my face, before reapplying my mascara. But it was no use, the more mascara I applied, the more I thought about Roger and that girl, the more the tears start to spill, and I need to constantly apply the mascara until it's nearly ran out.

I heard the door open, and I knew I was about to be greeted by a second wave of embarrassment. God, I felt so pathetic.
"Ophelia?" I heard a familiar British accent from behind me. I turned around to Brian, looking at me with sheer concern. "Are you alright? What happened?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm alright." I said in a meek, strained voice. Sounds like it.

"Doesn't sound like it. Tell me what happened." He softly commanded, pulling me into him, as he wrapped his arms around me, softly stroking my shoulder with his hand, in a comforting manner.

"I saw R-Roger... With a-another girl.." I told him, leaning my head into his chest, as I cried.
"I don't even deserve to cry. Not after what I've done. To Ian."

"That's different. Ian is a terrible person, we all know it." Brian reassured me, stroking my hair.

"I'm not so great, myself." I chuckled through my tears.

"Hey. That's not true, alright? You're a terrific person, you made a dumb mistake, but the guy doesn't treat you right anyway. I know you're going through a rough patch right now, but at least Roger treats you right, doesn't he?" Brian assured me, and I nodded to his question.

"That doesn't exactly excuse my infidelity, though." I felt like an awful person, when I used the word. I never thought of myself cheating on somebody. Yet, here I am in tears. But not because of the person I should be crying over.

"No. You're right. It doesn't. But you know you've made a mistake. Hell, you haven't a clue what Ian's up to back home... If it makes you feel any better." Brian looked up in thought, rethinking his words

"Not really, but I get it. Thanks, Brian." I chuckled, smiling up at him. I had no idea if it was the booze, or the emotional state of vulnerability I was in, but next thing I know, I was standing on my tip toes, with my lips gently pressed against Brian's.

"What. The. Living. Fuck?" Brian and I immediately pulled back, in shock of hearing Roger's raspy, firm tone. I snapped my head towards him, where he was glaring at Brian, then at me.

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