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During the past week, I had called my friends to tell them about Andy. They seemed happy for me that I was moving forward and gushing over another guy. Andy and I didn't speak much at work, but we did get lunch together, and would sometimes sneak a conversation, when the boss had left. But we were on the phone with each other most of the time, and had planned a date for Saturday.

I had checked my schedule, and agreed to go on the date, when i found it was clear. Not that I have anything better to do on weekends anyway.

Finally Saturday had arrived, and I was frantically rushing around the room in search of a specific white, above knee-length dress with pink floral patterns, since it was spring, and for a change London actually had decent weather for a spring dress.

"Where the fuck is it?" I questioned aloud, as I checked everywhere, sighing in relief when I saw it was hanging up in my closet, hiding behind a beige-coloured sweater. I picked the dress up and threw it over my head, straightening it out, while I quickly found my lipstick and painted my lips red, as usual.

I was thankful that I wasn't running late, when I checked the clock, and grabbed my purse and keys, walking out of the door and locking it up.

Andy was taking me for lunch- and I know that sounds like what we do every day, but this time it was some place fancy-ish, with better and comfortable clothing. Plus there would be a different kind of atmosphere.

When I arrive at the restaurant Andy is already there, waiting for me, with a small smile on his face. "Hi, you look nice." He commented, as he linked my arm with his, as I thanked him, and we made our way into the restaurant, taking our seats.

It wasn't as awkward as first dates usually are, considering we've spoken quite a lot in the past week. Although we did open up a bit more about ourselves. I told him how I had been liking my new job so far, and he had been giving me a bit of advice, before the waitress came over and took our orders.

"So, now that we've gotten past all the innocent details, let's dig a little deeper. Uh, what are your plans for the future?" He asked, taking a sip of his red wine.

"I don't really know, actually. Hopefully I'll be a better writer." I chuckled. I was unsure why, but when he mentioned future, Roger flashed in my mind.

"What about marriage? Or kids? Do you ever want that?" He questioned, and once again Roger flashed in my mind, but I tried to brush it off, by clearing my throat.

"I don't know. Maybe. I think I'd like to get married, if it were the right person. And I definitely want kids someday." I told him, truthfully, trying to stop my mind from wavering off to Roger.

"Oh.. I've never really thought about kids. Or marriage actually. I mean I might get married, but there's no way I'd ever want kids." He chuckled, and I think that was my first strike about him. There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids, I can hardly blame him, but I've always wanted a family.

We spoke a little bit more about hopes for the future, and I soon realized that we had nothing in common on that department. So I just allowed him to switch the subject. When he spoke about his family, he spoke really highly of his father and brother, since they were in big business and stuff. He sounded really snobby when he talked about how much money his family had, and I thought at one point I was about to yawn. He had asked me about my family, and when I told him it was a bit more complicated, he brushed it off and went back to talking about himself. Jesus, he was good at hiding the absolute prick part about him during the week.

He talked a bit more, while I tried not to fall asleep to some of the things he spoke about. What did come to my attention, however, was the way he spoke of women. He tried to explain why women aren't supposed to work, and I was about to punch him. That was my last straw, there was no way things were escalating between me and this dickhead.

After the date was over, Andy walked me back home. And again he was so fucking boring. How hadn't I noticed this on our lunches?

"Well, thanks I had a nice time today." Andy smirked, and was about to lean in to kiss me, before I gently pushed him away, stopping him, with an awkward chuckle.

"Look, Andy.. I don't really think things are gonna work out.. I'm sorry." I tried letting him down gently, but he furrowed his brows, in a confused, and upset manner.

"Okay?" He scoffed, before continuing. "I was about to say the same as well. You were so fucking boring that entire date. I didn't wanna go out with you anyway." He shrugged, turning around and leaving me speechless, as I scoffed. I was fucking boring? Has he listened to himself?

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎| 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now