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I woke up the next morning, on the floor of my hotel room, with the covers on top of me. To be honest it was actually quite comfy like this. I felt like just spending the rest of the day, nursing my hangover here. But then of course the phone rings.

I groaned, loudly, standing up, with the duvet still wrapped around me for warmth.
"Hello?.." I grabbed the telephone, half falling asleep again.

"Ophelia? Is that you?" I heard Mary's vulnerable voice ask.

"Yeah, Mary, it's me. What's wrong? You sound stressed." I pointed out, worrying about her.

"Oh, it's nothing, just- have you seen Freddie-..." She cut herself off, before she could finish. But of course hungover me was none the wiser.

"Yeah, I've seen Freddie. We were on the plane, tour bus and I saw him perform on stage." I said, confused.

"No- thats-" She sighed, realizing my current state. "You're hungover, aren't you?" She asked, with a nonchalant tone.

"Perhaps." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Of course. Anyway, does your aching brain remember the conversation between us on the previous tour?" She questioned.

"The one where you thought Freddie was gay and cheating on you? Yeah, why?" Christ, I could've sugarcoated it a little bit.

"Uh, yeah. That one. Well... Has he?"

"Has he what?" My idiotic brain asked.

"Cheated. On me?"

"I don't know. I don't recall."

"God, you're useless when you're hungover." She sighed.

"Give me a break! I had 12 rounds of tequila last night, my head feels like it's been hit with a hammer multiple times. As does Brian's."

"Anyway- twelve rounds?!" She asked, her tone sounding quite shocked.

"That's what I said. Is it?" I was beginning to lose my mind again.

"Uh-huh... Anyway what's wrong with Brian?"

"I don't know. What is wrong with Brian?" I repeated, very confused.

"You mentioned that you're head felt like it's been hit with a hammer multiple times, as does Brian's." She recalled, sounding very confused.

"Oh! Yeah, he hit his head off of the toilet while throwing up. Got a concussion. But, I'm sure he's fine now." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Jesus. How much did he have to drink? "

"A lot"

"Clearly. Well, all right, I'll allow you to attend to your aching head. Will you let me know if Freddie is up to anything with anyone?" She pleaded, sounding sad and desperate. Little does she know I am the last person to turn to when it comes to cheating and lying. I actually hated that a lot, the more I thought about it. I can't tell Fred cheating is horrible- if he is cheating-, because that'll just make me a hypocrite.

"Yeah. Of course. Don't worry about it though, Mary. I'm sure Freddie wouldn't so that to you." I tried to assure her, before we hung up.

Finally. I crashed back down on to the comfy floor, with my duvet.


I knocked on the door for the billionth time. Just fucking answer already!

"All right! All right! I'm coming! Just quit with the banging, already!" Freddie answered the door, startled when he saw me.
"Oh, darling, it's you. What the bloody hell are you doing banging my door at!-" He checked his watch, squinting his eyes. "Seven thirty in the morning!?"

"Can I come in?" I asked, to which he rolled his eyes, and opened the door further.

"So, may I ask what it is you are doing here worsening my pounding head, rather than lying in bed, praying for the hangover to disappear?" He asked, absolutely pissed off with me by now.

"Mary was on the phone with me." I jumped straight to the point.

"She was? How is she? What did she say?" He looked slightly uneasy with the subject of Mary.

"She's... fine... But she thinks that you're cheating on her." I told him. I wanted to leave his sexuality out of it for the moment, in case he was uncomfortable talking about it.

"She does?! Why on earth would she think that?!" He asked, astonished.

"Beats me. But she's calling me, sick with worry that you are." I tried to keep it slightly subtle.

"I'm not cheating on her!" He jumped straight to defense.

"I know... " I said, watching my knee bounce up and down.

"But? Don't you believe me?" He asked, worriedly.

"I believe you aren't cheating on her... " I was debating whether or not I should talk about it.

"You're not telling me something. What is it? What else is it?"

"She thinks you're cheating on her... With a man..." I just said it, half regretting it, when I saw his face drop.
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want. It's none of my business-"

"No... I half to tell somebody.." He said, as I sat there, waiting for him to continue.
"You wouldn't judge, would you?" He asked, anxiously.

"Freddie- I'm bisexual myself, of course I wouldn't." I assured him, and he looked a little easier.

"I think I might be... Gay. But I swear I haven't cheated on Mary." He sighed, dropping his head in his hands. "I need to talk to her, don't I?" He asked, already knowing.

I stood up from the couch, to sit next to him. I hugged into his side.
"You tell her in your own time. But do it in person. Preferably sooner rather than later." I advised him.

"Thank you, darling. Really, it means a lot." He smiled.

"Of course, Fred. I'm always here." I assured him, smiling, as we both pulled back slightly.

"Gosh. Alright, now we've got that big secret aside. Any secrets you'd like to share with me?" He chuckled, jokingly, as he leaned back of the leather couch.
My heart dropped for a moment.

"Oh, erm... Nope, none that I can think of." I chuckled. I felt even worse lying to him about Roger and I. I knew I could trust him. But the less people who knew the better.

I am glad Freddie felt comfortable and that he could trust me enough to tell me about his sexuality. It was making wonder if maybe I should tell him about Roger and I... He trusted me enough with his secret.

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