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"I'm gonna tell her. Tonight." I heard Roger say, a I laid my head on his chest, as it took me a moment to realize what he meant.

"Roger-" I began, but he interrupted me, knowing what I was gonna say.

"No, no. I mean it. As soon as I leave here I'm gonna go home and tell her. This will be the last time we need to sneak around." He promised, as I looked up in his eyes.

"Do you mean it? Because if you don't mean it then don't bother saying it, because you've been building my hopes up for months." I told him, firmly.

"I mean it. In fact..." He lightly pushed me off of him, standing up off the bed, to pull his trousers up. "I'm gonna go over and tell her right now." He told me, as I shot up with my eyes wide.

"Woah, woah, Roger are you sure you wanna go over right now?" I asked him, covering my chest with the blanket. 

"If I don't do it now, then I might never do it. Now, do you wanna stay here and wait until I come back or do you wanna come with me? I don't mind if you come and stay in the car." He told me, pulling his shirt over his head, grabbing his car keys.

"Uh- I- I'll come with you, I guess." I got up off the bed and threw on a pair of blue, denim jeans and an orange, floral, bell-sleeved top.

Roger waited impatiently for me to get dressed, before I finally was done, and he took my hand, rushing out of the cabin, quickly locking it up, before running down to the car.

"Roger, I can't fucking run!" I told him, as my ankles were killing me from even just two steps.
He opened the passenger door for me, ushering me in, as he closed the door behind me, jogging around to the drivers seat, immediately starting the engine and begin driving.

My heart was pounding in my chest. This was really happening. I looked over at Roger who had his eyes focused on the road in front of him, as he took a cigarette from his pocket, shoving in between his lips. "Pass us a lighter, will you, love?" He asked, as I rolled a window down and handed him a lighter, watching him light the fag in his mouth, as he took a sharp drag.

He placed a hand on my thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze, as he picked up on my anxiety. I was terrified of everyone finding out. Yes, I've wanted it for ages, but that didn't stop me from feeling nervous at what people would say.

"I swear you better not chicken out when we get there." I told him while he chuckled.
"Oh, I won't. I've been holding it off for too long." He told me. "You're telling me." I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly. This was sort of helping me relax.

The drive was quite long, but it gave us more time to process what was happening- or what would happen. But nothing prepared us for what would happen when we'd arrive.

"That's weird. She isn't here?" He furrowed his brows, as there was no sight of her car in the driveway. "Maybe she parked somewhere else. C'mon, you coming inside?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment before swallowing my fear and nodding my head, as I opened the door, getting out with him.

We walked over to his house. He called out Dominiques name, looking for her, while I looked around his house, looking at the photographs, the furniture, just waiting for him to find her.

"She isn't here, must've went out or something-" Roger started, before the telephone interrupted him.
"Maybe that's her." I suggest, with a shrug, as he walked over to answer it with one hand in his pocket.

"Paul? The fuck do you want?" My stomach dropped at the name. Please tell me he hasn't told her..
"Why are you all at Fred's?" He asked, and my heart sank as I immediately knew.
"Fuck. Fine, I'll be over in 10 minutes." Roger hung up, and walked away from the telephone.

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