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We were in the police station. I still didn't understand why we were here. But Roger looked quite calm compared to earlier. I had only been in the back of a police car once, when me and my older sister got taken away from our parents. I couldn't tell what was worse, the foster home, or everyone in our neighborhood watching us get into the police car.

We're still waiting for the police officers to get back, while we sat in the waiting room. I bounced my knee up and down, my chest rising and falling, and my nerves swarming all over the place. How the hell was Roger so calm?

The police officers came back, and we both stood up, my mind was racking. Surely the charges can't be that bad? We didn't even do anything wrong, it's only a misunderstanding.

"Where are you guys staying?" The officer asked us, with guns hands in his pockets, as he gave a stern look to the two of us.

"Hotel Hilton." I replied, as the other officer handed me a towel, which I wrapped around me, considering I was still soaking wet.

"All right, we'll drop you both off. But don't be falling into any more ponds. Oh, by the way, we only have one towel. Sorry." The officer spoke, shrugging his shoulders, while Roger rolled his eyes, with his arms wrapped around himself, as he stood shivering. I snorted a laugh, as we both followed the officers outside and into the car.

We both climbed into the back seat of the police car, I pulled my towel off from my right shoulder and wrapped what I could around Roger, as he shuffled in closer to me for warmth, placing an arm around my waist.

"Well.. This isn't how I was expecting to end the night. In the back of a police car." Roger chuckled, as he rested his head on top of mine, while the officers got into the front seats.

"I doubt anyone would believe this is how we spent our night." I chuckled against Rogers shoulder, still shivering, as I leaned into him more.
"Jesus, I'm freezing." I stammered, slightly, my teeth chattering, as I pulled the towel tighter around me.

"I know what'll keep you warm." Roger smirked, as he hovered his lips over the side of my head, then pressing firmly onto the top of my head.

"Rog, we'll get straight back to the station if they catch us." I warned him, looking up at him, our noses brushing together.

"Fine, I'll wait. But as soon as we're back in the hotel, we're heading straight for a shower." He smirked, and leaned in, for our lips to connect for a slight moment, before slowly pulling back.

"I look forward to it." I slightly grinned.


"All right. Here we are." The officer who was in the drivers seat announced, as the car slowly pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, as the car came to a halt. There were nosey guests peeking over to witness what was happening. "Listen, I know you guys were only having a bit of fun, but from now on, maybe don't be taking anymore dips into ponds." The officer, turned his head to look a us.

"We promise no more diving into ponds." I said, taking the towel off of mine and Roger's shoulders, scrunching it into a ball and handing it back to the officer, who swapped it for my coat. The officer who was driving, stepped out of the vehicle, to open the door for us.

"Thanks. And thanks for the lift." Roger shook the officer's hand.

"No problem. Just stay out of trouble next time. Enjoy the rest of your stay." The officer smiled, winking at me, before climbing back into the car, while Roger wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎| 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now